System.Resources.ResourceSet Members

The members of System.Resources.ResourceSet are listed below.

See Also: Inherited members from System.Object

Public Constructors

Creates a new instance of the System.Resources.ResourceSet class using the system default System.Resources.ResourceReader that reads resources from the given stream.

Creates a new instance of the System.Resources.ResourceSet class using the specified resource reader.

Creates a new instance of the System.Resources.ResourceSet class using the system default System.Resources.ResourceReader that opens and reads resources from the given file.

Protected Constructors

Initializes a new instance of the System.Resources.ResourceSet class with default properties.

Protected Fields


Indicates the System.Resources.IResourceReader used to read the resources.


The Hashtable in which the resources are stored.

Public Methods


Closes and releases any resources used by this System.Resources.ResourceSet.


Disposes of the resources (other than memory) used by the current instance of System.Resources.ResourceSet.

GetDefaultReader() : Type

Returns the preferred resource reader class for this kind of System.Resources.ResourceSet.

GetDefaultWriter() : Type

Returns the preferred resource writer class for this kind of System.Resources.ResourceSet.

GetEnumerator() : IDictionaryEnumerator

Returns an IDictionaryEnumerator that can iterate through the System.Resources.ResourceSet.

GetObject(string) : object

Searches for a resource object with the specified name.

GetObject(string, bool) : object

Searches for a resource object with the specified name in a case-insensitive manner, if requested.

GetString(string) : string

Searches for a string resource with the specified name.

GetString(string, bool) : string

Searches for a string resource with the specified name in a case-insensitive manner, if requested.

Protected Methods


Releases resources (other than memory) associated with the current instance, closing internal managed objects if requested.


Reads all the resources and stores them in a Hashtable indicated in the ResourceSet.Table property.

Explicitly Implemented Interface Members


Returns an IEnumerator object to avoid a race condition with Dispose. This member is not intended to be used directly from your code.