Dialog Namespace

Simplified creation of user interfaces.


MonoTouch.Dialog is a foundation to create dialog boxes and show table-based information without having to write dozens of delegates and controllers for the user interface. MonoTouch.Dialog is a retained system for implementing UITableViews as opposed to the on-demand nature of UITableView.

The infrastructure provides many conveniences that allow developers to create dashing UITableView-based user interfaces with a fraction of the effort. It features a big collection of custom cell renderers and features like pull-to-refresh and built-in search.

This code snippet generates the following UI:

c# Example

return new RootElement ("Settings") {
    new Section (){
        new BooleanElement ("Airplane Mode", false),
        new RootElement ("Notifications", 0, 0) {
            new Section (null, 
                 "Turn off Notifications to disable Sounds\n" +
                     "Alerts and Home Screen Badges for the\napplications below."){
                new BooleanElement ("Notifications", false)
    new Section (){
    new RootElement ("Sounds"){
            new Section ("Silent") {
                new BooleanElement ("Vibrate", true),
            new Section ("Ring") {
                new BooleanElement ("Vibrate", true),
                new FloatElement (null, null, 0.8f),
                new RootElement ("Ringtone", new RadioGroup (0)){
                    new Section ("Custom"){
                        new RadioElement ("Circus Music"),
                        new RadioElement ("True Blood"),
                    new Section ("Standard"){
            from name in "Marimba,Alarm,Ascending,Bark".Split (',')
            (Element) new RadioElement (n)
                new RootElement ("New Text Message", new RadioGroup (3)){
                    new Section (){
            from name in "None,Tri-tone,Chime,Glass,Horn,Bell,Electronic".Split (',')
            (Element) new RadioElement (n)
                new BooleanElement ("New Voice Mail", false),
                new BooleanElement ("New Mail", false),
                new BooleanElement ("Sent Mail", true),
        new RootElement ("Brightness"){
            new Section (){
                new FloatElement (null, null, 0.5f),
                new BooleanElement ("Auto-brightness", false),
        new RootElement ("Wallpaper"){ MakeWallPaper (); }
    new Section () {
        new EntryElement ("Login", "Your login name", "miguel"),
        new EntryElement ("Password", "Your password", "password", true),
        new DateElement ("Select Date", DateTime.Now),

MonoTouch.Dialog core entry point is a UIViewController called the Dialog.DialogViewController. You initialize instances of this object from an object of type Dialog.RootElement or Dialog.JsonElement.

We have included a version of MonoTouch.Dialog with MonoTouch, but we have renamed the assembly to MonoTouch.Dialog-1.dll to prevent any problems with users that might have a modified copy of MonoTouch.Dialog or have an existing working setup from being altered.

To use MonoTouch.Dialog with your project, merely add a reference to MonoTouch.Dialog-1.dll from the Edit Reference menu item in your project.

If you want to use your own copy of MonoTouch.Dialog, you can still use the publicly available MonoTouch.Dialog or your own forked version of it.


ActivityElementAn element that can be used to show an activity indicator.
AlignmentAttributeApply this attribute to properties and fields to instruct the BindingContext how it should align the text on the row.
BadgeElement This element can be used to show an image with some text
BaseBooleanImageElement This class is used to render a string + a state in the form of an image.
BaseBooleanImageElement+TextWithImageCellViewCustom UITableViewCell to display text with an image (used by the BaseBooleanImageElement).
BindingContextHelper class used to map Structures and Classes into user interface elements in Dialog.
BooleanElement Used to display switch on the screen.
BooleanImageElementThis class is used to render a string + a state in the form of an image.
BoolElementBase class for BoolElement and BaseBooleanImageElement
CaptionAttributeOn Reflection-based UIs, this attribute can be applied to a member to set the caption for the element.
CheckboxAttributeOn Reflection-based UIs, this attribute can be applied to boolean values to use a checkbox to render the boolean value.
CheckboxElementAn element that can be used as a checkbox
DateAttributeAttribute applied to DateTime objects to instruct the rendering to be done using the Date selector.
DateElementAn element that can be used to edit dates.
DateTimeElementAn element that can be used to edit dates and times.
DialogViewControllerThe DialogViewController is the main entry point to use Dialog, it provides a simplified API to the UITableViewController.
DialogViewController+SearchTextEventHandlerDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
DialogViewController+SizingSourceDefault UITableViewSource used by Dialog when the elements contained are expected to have different heights.
DialogViewController+SourceDefault UITableViewSource used by Dialog when all of the elements contained have a constant height.
Element Base class for all elements in Dialog
EntryAttributeApply this attribute to strings to produce an editing row.
EntryElement An element that can be used to enter text.
FloatElement Used to display a slider on the screen.
GlassButton GlassButton is a glossy/glass button. User code can use either targets or can subscribe to the Tapped event. Colors are customized by asssigning to the NormalColor, HighlightedColor and DisabledColor properties
GraphicsUtilGraphics utilities used by Dialog elements
Group Used by root elements to fetch information when they need to render a summary (Checkbox count or selected radio group).
HtmlAttributeDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
HtmlElement Used to display a cell that will launch a web browser when selected.
IColorizeBackground This interface is implemented by Elements that needs to update their cells Background properties just before they are displayed to the user. This is an iOS 3 requirement to properly render a cell.
IElementSizing This interface is implemented by Element classes that will have different heights
ImageElementElement to pick images from the local photo library.
ImageStringElementAn element that displays an thumbnail image with a string, not stylable.
JsonElementRootElement that is instantiated from a Json source.
LoadMoreElementAn element that amimates when tapped indicating that more data is being loaded.
MessageElementElement to display a mail message-like record with sender, subject, date, read/unread statuses.
MessageSummaryViewDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
MultilineAttributeDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
MultilineElementDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
OnTapAttributeDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
OwnerDrawnElementDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
PasswordAttributeDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
RadioElementDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
RadioGroup Captures the information about mutually exclusive elements in a RootElement
RadioSelectionAttributeDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
RangeAttributeDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
RefreshTableHeaderViewDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
RefreshViewStatusDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
RootElement RootElements are responsible for showing a full configuration page.
SearchChangedEventArgsDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
Section Sections contain individual Element instances that are rendered by Dialog
SectionAttributeOn Reflection-based UIs, this attribute can be applied to a member to start a new section.
SkipAttributeApply this attribute to a Property or Field to have the BindingContext ignore this object when generating the UI
StringElement The string element can be used to render some text in a cell that can optionally respond to tap events.
StyledMultilineElementDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
StyledStringElement A version of the StringElement that can be styled with a number of formatting options and can render images or background images either from UIImage parameters or by downloading them from the net.
TimeAttributeAttribute applied to DateTime objects to instruct the rendering to be done using the Time selector.
TimeElementAn element that can be used to edit times
UIViewElement This element can be used to insert an arbitrary UIView
UIViewElement+CellFlagsDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.