Android.Content.ContentResolver: Method Members

The methods of Android.Content.ContentResolver are listed below. For a list of all members, see the ContentResolver Members list.

See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Object

Public Methods

AcquireContentProviderClient(Android.Net.Uri) : ContentProviderClient
Returns a Android.Content.ContentProviderClient that is associated with the Android.Content.ContentProvider that services the content at uri, starting the provider if necessary.
AcquireContentProviderClient(string) : ContentProviderClient
Returns a Android.Content.ContentProviderClient that is associated with the Android.Content.ContentProvider with the authority of name, starting the provider if necessary.
AcquireUnstableContentProviderClient(Android.Net.Uri) : ContentProviderClient
Like ContentResolver.AcquireContentProviderClient(Android.Net.Uri), but for use when you do not trust the stability of the target content provider.
AcquireUnstableContentProviderClient(string) : ContentProviderClient
Like ContentResolver.AcquireContentProviderClient(string), but for use when you do not trust the stability of the target content provider.
AddPeriodicSync(Android.Accounts.Account, string, Android.OS.Bundle, long)
Specifies that a sync should be requested with the specified the account, authority, and extras at the given frequency.
AddStatusChangeListener(SyncObserverType, ISyncStatusObserver) : Java.Lang.Object
Request notifications when the different aspects of the SyncManager change.
ApplyBatch(string, IList<ContentProviderOperation>) : ContentProviderResult[]
Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.
BulkInsert(Android.Net.Uri, ContentValues[]) : int
Inserts multiple rows into a table at the given URL.
Call(Android.Net.Uri, string, string, Android.OS.Bundle) : Android.OS.Bundle
Call a provider-defined method.
Remove the specified sync.
Cancel any active or pending syncs that match the Uri.
CancelSync(Android.Accounts.Account, string)
Cancel any active or pending syncs that match account and authority.
Canonicalize(Android.Net.Uri) : Android.Net.Uri
Transform the given url to a canonical representation of its referenced resource, which can be used across devices, persisted, backed up and restored, etc.
Delete(Android.Net.Uri, string, string[]) : int
Deletes row(s) specified by a content URI.
GetIsSyncable(Android.Accounts.Account, string) : int
Check if this account/provider is syncable.
GetPeriodicSyncs(Android.Accounts.Account, string) : IList<PeriodicSync>
Get the list of information about the periodic syncs for the given account and authority.
GetStreamTypes(Android.Net.Uri, string) : string[]
Query for the possible MIME types for the representations the given content URL can be returned when opened as as stream with ContentResolver.OpenTypedAssetFileDescriptor(Android.Net.Uri, System.String, System.String).
GetSyncAdapterTypes() : SyncAdapterType[]
Get information about the SyncAdapters that are known to the system.
GetSyncAutomatically(Android.Accounts.Account, string) : bool
Check if the provider should be synced when a network tickle is received
GetType(Android.Net.Uri) : string
Return the MIME type of the given content URL.
Insert(Android.Net.Uri, ContentValues) : Android.Net.Uri
Inserts a row into a table at the given URL.
IsSyncActive(Android.Accounts.Account, string) : bool
Returns true if there is currently a sync operation for the given account or authority actively being processed.
IsSyncPending(Android.Accounts.Account, string) : bool
Return true if the pending status is true of any matching authorities.
NotifyChange(Android.Net.Uri, Android.Database.ContentObserver)
Notify registered observers that a row was updated and attempt to sync changes to the network.
NotifyChange(Android.Net.Uri, Android.Database.ContentObserver, bool)
Notify registered observers that a row was updated.
OpenAssetFileDescriptor(Android.Net.Uri, string) : Android.Content.Res.AssetFileDescriptor
Open a raw file descriptor to access data under a URI.
OpenAssetFileDescriptor(Android.Net.Uri, string, Android.OS.CancellationSignal) : Android.Content.Res.AssetFileDescriptor
Open a raw file descriptor to access data under a URI.
OpenFileDescriptor(Android.Net.Uri, string) : Android.OS.ParcelFileDescriptor
Open a raw file descriptor to access data under a URI.
OpenFileDescriptor(Android.Net.Uri, string, Android.OS.CancellationSignal) : Android.OS.ParcelFileDescriptor
Open a raw file descriptor to access data under a URI.
OpenInputStream(Android.Net.Uri) : System.IO.Stream
Open a stream on to the content associated with a content URI.
OpenOutputStream(Android.Net.Uri) : System.IO.Stream
Synonym for ContentResolver.OpenOutputStream(Android.Net.Uri, System.String).
OpenOutputStream(Android.Net.Uri, string) : System.IO.Stream
Open a stream on to the content associated with a content URI.
OpenTypedAssetFileDescriptor(Android.Net.Uri, string, Android.OS.Bundle) : Android.Content.Res.AssetFileDescriptor
Open a raw file descriptor to access (potentially type transformed) data from a "content:" URI.
OpenTypedAssetFileDescriptor(Android.Net.Uri, string, Android.OS.Bundle, Android.OS.CancellationSignal) : Android.Content.Res.AssetFileDescriptor
Open a raw file descriptor to access (potentially type transformed) data from a "content:" URI.
Query(Android.Net.Uri, string[], string, string[], string) : Android.Database.ICursor
Query the given URI, returning a Android.Database.ICursor over the result set.
Query(Android.Net.Uri, string[], string, string[], string, Android.OS.CancellationSignal) : Android.Database.ICursor
Query the given URI, returning a Android.Database.ICursor over the result set with optional support for cancellation.
RegisterContentObserver(Android.Net.Uri, bool, Android.Database.ContentObserver)
Register an observer class that gets callbacks when data identified by a given content URI changes.
ReleasePersistableUriPermission(Android.Net.Uri, ActivityFlags)
Relinquish a persisted URI permission grant.
RemovePeriodicSync(Android.Accounts.Account, string, Android.OS.Bundle)
Remove a periodic sync.
Remove a previously registered status change listener.
Register a sync with the SyncManager.
RequestSync(Android.Accounts.Account, string, Android.OS.Bundle)
Start an asynchronous sync operation.
SetIsSyncable(Android.Accounts.Account, string, int)
Set whether this account/provider is syncable.
SetSyncAutomatically(Android.Accounts.Account, string, bool)
Set whether or not the provider is synced when it receives a network tickle.
StartSync(Android.Net.Uri, Android.OS.Bundle)
Start an asynchronous sync operation.
TakePersistableUriPermission(Android.Net.Uri, ActivityFlags)
Take a persistable URI permission grant that has been offered.
Uncanonicalize(Android.Net.Uri) : Android.Net.Uri
Given a canonical Uri previously generated by ContentResolver.Canonicalize(Android.Net.Uri), convert it to its local non-canonical form.
Unregisters a change observer.
Update(Android.Net.Uri, ContentValues, string, string[]) : int
Update row(s) in a content URI.
Check that only values of the following types are in the Bundle:
  • Integer
  • Long
  • Boolean
  • Float
  • Double
  • String
  • Account
  • null