Android.Speech.RecognizerIntent.ActionRecognizeSpeech Field
Starts an activity that will prompt the user for speech and send it through a speech recognizer.


public const string ActionRecognizeSpeech


Starts an activity that will prompt the user for speech and send it through a speech recognizer. The results will be returned via activity results (in Android.App.Activity.OnActivityResult(int, Android.App.Result, Android.App.Result), if you start the intent using Android.App.Activity.StartActivityForResult(Android.Content.Intent, System.Int32)), or forwarded via a PendingIntent if one is provided.

Starting this intent with just Android.App.Activity.startActivity(android.content.Intent) is not supported. You must either use Android.App.Activity.StartActivityForResult(Android.Content.Intent, System.Int32), or provide a PendingIntent, to receive recognition results.

The implementation of this API is likely to stream audio to remote servers to perform speech recognition which can use a substantial amount of bandwidth.

Required extras:

Optional extras:

Result extras (returned in the result, not to be specified in the request):

NOTE: There may not be any applications installed to handle this action, so you should make sure to catch Android.Content.ActivityNotFoundException.

[Android Documentation]


Namespace: Android.Speech
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions:
Since: Added in API level 3