- uri
- The full URI to query, including a row ID (if a specific record is requested).
- selection
- An optional restriction to apply to rows when deleting.
- selectionArgs
- Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.
Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.
Implement this to handle requests to delete one or more rows. The implementation should apply the selection clause when performing deletion, allowing the operation to affect multiple rows in a directory. As a courtesy, call Android.Content.ContentResolver.NotifyChange(Android.Net.Uri, Android.Database.ContentObserver) after deleting. This method can be called from multiple threads, as described in Processes and Threads.
The implementation is responsible for parsing out a row ID at the end of the URI, if a specific row is being deleted. That is, the client would pass in content://contacts/people/22 and the implementation is responsible for parsing the record number (22) when creating a SQL statement.