Android.Test Namespace

A framework for writing Android test cases and suites.


A framework for writing Android test cases and suites.

For more information, see the Testing developer guide.


AssertionFailedErrorThrown when an assertion failed.
ComparisonFailureThrown when an assert equals for Strings failed.
FlakyTestThis annotation can be used on an NoType:android/test/InstrumentationTestCase;Href=../../../reference/android/test/InstrumentationTestCase.html's test methods.
FlakyTestAttributeDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
IFlakyTestThis annotation can be used on an NoType:android/test/InstrumentationTestCase;Href=../../../reference/android/test/InstrumentationTestCase.html's test methods.
InstrumentationTestRunnerAn Android.App.Instrumentation that runs various types of NoType:junit/framework/TestCase;Href=../../../reference/junit/framework/TestCase.htmls against an Android package (application).
IPerformanceTestCaseMore complex interface performance for test cases.
IPerformanceTestCaseIntermediatesCallbacks for Android.Test.IPerformanceTestCase.
IsolatedContextA mock context which prevents its users from talking to the rest of the device while stubbing enough methods to satify code that tries to talk to other packages.
IUiThreadTestThis annotation can be used on an NoType:android/test/InstrumentationTestCase;Href=../../../reference/android/test/InstrumentationTestCase.html's test methods.
MoreAssertsContains additional assertion methods not found in JUnit.
RenamingDelegatingContextThis is a class which delegates to the given context, but performs database and file operations with a renamed database/file name (prefixes default names with a given prefix).
TestResultEnumerates values returned by several methods of Android.Test.TestResult.
TouchUtilsReusable methods for generating touch events.
UiThreadTestThis annotation can be used on an NoType:android/test/InstrumentationTestCase;Href=../../../reference/android/test/InstrumentationTestCase.html's test methods.
UiThreadTestAttributeDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
ViewAssertsSome useful assertions about views.