System.Windows.Forms.ListView.StateImageList Property

Gets or sets the System.Windows.Forms.ImageList associated with application-defined states in the control.


public ImageList StateImageList { set; get; }


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The ListView.StateImageList property allows you to specify an System.Windows.Forms.ImageList that contains images to use to represent an application-specific state of an item in a System.Windows.Forms.ListView control. State images are displayed to the left of an icon for the item. You can use state images, such as checked and unchecked check boxes, to indicate application-defined item states. State images are visible in all views of the System.Windows.Forms.ListView control.

If an System.Windows.Forms.ImageList is specified in the ListView.StateImageList property and the ListView.CheckBoxes property is set to true, the images at index positions 0 and 1 in the System.Windows.Forms.ImageList are displayed instead of the check box. The image at index position 0 is displayed instead of the unchecked check box, and the image at index position 1 is displayed instead of the checked check box.


Namespace: System.Windows.Forms
Assembly: System.Windows.Forms (in System.Windows.Forms.dll)
Assembly Versions: 1.0.5000.0,