Foundation.NSHttpCookie Members

The members of Foundation.NSHttpCookie are listed below.

See Also: Inherited members from Foundation.NSObject

Public Constructors

Creates a new NSHttpCookie
Create a new cookie from the supplied System.Net.Cookie instance properties
Create a new cookie with the supplied name and value.
Create a new cookie with the supplied name, value and path.
Create a new cookie with the supplied name, value, path and domain.

Protected Constructors

Constructor to call on derived classes to skip initialization and merely allocate the object.
A constructor used when creating managed representations of unmanaged objects; Called by the runtime.

Public Properties

ClassHandleIntPtr. The handle for this class.
Commentstring. The comment string.
CommentUrlNSUrl. The comment URL.
Domainstring. The domain of the cookie.
ExpiresDateNSDate. The expiration date of this cookie.
IsHttpOnlybool. Whether this cookie should only be sent to HTTP servers per RFC 2965.
IsSecurebool. Whether this cookie should only be sent over secure channels.
IsSessionOnlybool. Whether this cookie should be discarded at the end of the session, ignoring the expiration date.
KeyCommentNSString. Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.
KeyCommentUrlNSString. Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.
KeyDiscardNSString. Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.
KeyDomainNSString. Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.
KeyExpiresNSString. Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.
KeyMaximumAgeNSString. Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.
KeyNameNSString. Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.
KeyOriginUrlNSString. Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.
KeyPathNSString. Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.
KeyPortNSString. Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.
KeySecureNSString. Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.
KeyValueNSString. Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.
KeyVersionNSString. Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.
Namestring. This cookie's name.
Pathstring. This cookie's path.
PortListNSNumber[]. This cookie's port list.
PropertiesNSDictionary. This cookie's properties.
Valuestring. The value of this cookie.
Versionnuint. The version of this cookie.

Public Methods

CookieFromProperties(NSDictionary) : NSHttpCookie
Factory method to create cookies.
CookiesWithResponseHeaderFields(NSDictionary, NSUrl) : NSHttpCookie[]
The cookies corresponding to the specified response header fields for the specified URL.
RequestHeaderFieldsWithCookies(NSHttpCookie[]) : NSDictionary
A dictionary of header fields corresponding to the specified array of cookies.

Protected Methods

Releases the resources used by the NSHttpCookie object.