See Also: ContentProviderClient Members
The public interface object used to interact with a Android.Content.ContentProvider. This is obtained by calling ContentResolver.AcquireContentProviderClient(Android.Net.Uri). This object must be released using ContentProviderClient.Release in order to indicate to the system that the Android.Content.ContentProvider is no longer needed and can be killed to free up resources.
Note that you should generally create a new ContentProviderClient instance for each thread that will be performing operations. Unlike Android.Content.ContentResolver, the methods here such as ContentProviderClient.Query(Android.Net.Uri, System.String[], System.String[], System.String[], System.String[]) and ContentProviderClient.OpenFile(Android.Net.Uri, System.String) are not thread safe -- you must not call ContentProviderClient.Release on the ContentProviderClient those calls are made from until you are finished with the data they have returned.