Org.XmlPull.V1.IXmlSerializer Members

The members of Org.XmlPull.V1.IXmlSerializer are listed below.

Public Properties

Depthint. Returns the current depth of the element.
Namestring. Returns the name of the current element as set by startTag().
Namespacestring. Returns the namespace URI of the current element as set by startTag().

Public Methods

Attribute(string, string, string) : IXmlSerializer
Write an attribute.
Finish writing.
EndTag(string, string) : IXmlSerializer
Write end tag.
Write all pending output to the stream.
GetFeature(string) : bool
Return the current value of the feature with given name.
GetPrefix(string, bool) : string
Return namespace that corresponds to given prefix If there is no prefix bound to this namespace return null but if generatePrefix is false then return generated prefix.
GetProperty(string) : Java.Lang.Object
Look up the value of a property.
SetFeature(string, bool)
Set feature identified by name (recommended to be URI for uniqueness).
Set the output to the given writer.
SetOutput(System.IO.Stream, string)
Set to use binary output stream with given encoding.
SetPrefix(string, string)
Binds the given prefix to the given namespace.
SetProperty(string, Java.Lang.Object)
Set the value of a property. (the property name is recommended to be URI for uniqueness).
StartDocument(string, Java.Lang.Boolean)
Write <&#63;xml declaration with encoding (if encoding not null) and standalone flag (if standalone not null) This method can only be called just after setOutput.
StartTag(string, string) : IXmlSerializer
Writes a start tag with the given namespace and name.
Text(string) : IXmlSerializer
Writes text, where special XML chars are escaped automatically
Text(char[], int, int) : IXmlSerializer
Writes text, where special XML chars are escaped automatically