Android.Appwidget.AppWidgetManager.PartiallyUpdateAppWidget Method
Perform an incremental update or command on the widget specified by appWidgetId.


[Android.Runtime.Register("partiallyUpdateAppWidget", "(ILandroid/widget/RemoteViews;)V", "GetPartiallyUpdateAppWidget_ILandroid_widget_RemoteViews_Handler")]
public virtual void PartiallyUpdateAppWidget (int appWidgetId, Android.Widget.RemoteViews views)


The AppWidget instance for which to set the RemoteViews.
The RemoteViews object containing the incremental update / command.


Perform an incremental update or command on the widget specified by appWidgetId.

This update differs from AppWidgetManager.UpdateAppWidget(int, Android.Widget.RemoteViews) in that the RemoteViews object which is passed is understood to be an incomplete representation of the widget, and hence is not cached by the AppWidgetService. Note that because these updates are not cached, any state that they modify that is not restored by restoreInstanceState will not persist in the case that the widgets are restored using the cached version in AppWidgetService. Use with Android.Widget.RemoteViews.ShowNext(int), Android.Widget.RemoteViews.ShowPrevious(int), Android.Widget.RemoteViews.SetScrollPosition(int, System.Int32) and similar commands.

It is okay to call this method both inside an AppWidgetManager.ActionAppwidgetUpdate broadcast, and outside of the handler. This method will only work when called from the uid that owns the AppWidget provider.

This method will be ignored if a widget has not received a full update via AppWidgetManager.UpdateAppWidget(Int32[], Android.Widget.RemoteViews).

[Android Documentation]


Namespace: Android.Appwidget
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions:
Since: Added in API level 11