Gendarme.Framework.Severity Enumeration
How severe is a defect found by the rule.


public enum Severity


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Member NameDescription
Audit The actual code works but should be reviewed for potential problems. Often the code cannot be changed to satisfy the rule logic, i.e. the rule will always report it unless the rule or defect is ignored.
Critical The code can not work as expected.
High The code may work or fails depending on values, configuration...
Low The actual code works, fixing the defect doesn't have a big impact. By default some runners won't display such low severity issues to keep the number of defects to a reasonable level.
Medium The code will work most of the time or on the default, or most, common configuration


Namespace: Gendarme.Framework
Assembly: Gendarme.Framework (in Gendarme.Framework.dll)
Assembly Versions: