Org.Apache.Http.IHttpMessage: Method Members

The methods of Org.Apache.Http.IHttpMessage are listed below. For a list of all members, see the IHttpMessage Members list.

Public Methods

Adds a header to this message.
AddHeader(string, string)
Adds a header to this message.
ContainsHeader(string) : bool
Checks if a certain header is present in this message.
GetAllHeaders() : IHeader[]
Returns all the headers of this message.
GetFirstHeader(string) : IHeader
Returns the first header with a specified name of this message.
GetHeaders(string) : IHeader[]
Returns all the headers with a specified name of this message.
GetLastHeader(string) : IHeader
Returns the last header with a specified name of this message.
HeaderIterator() : IHeaderIterator
Returns an iterator of all the headers.
HeaderIterator(string) : IHeaderIterator
Returns an iterator of the headers with a given name.
Removes a header from this message.
Removes all headers with a certain name from this message.
Overwrites the first header with the same name.
SetHeader(string, string)
Overwrites the first header with the same name.
Overwrites all the headers in the message.