System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElementEventArgs Class

Provides data for the events defined on System.Windows.Forms.HtmlDocument and System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement.

See Also: HtmlElementEventArgs Members


public sealed class HtmlElementEventArgs : EventArgs


System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElementEventArgs encapsulates the same information found on the window.event object when programming against the unmanaged HTML DOM or when writing Active Script for HTML pages.

In most cases, you can use HtmlElementEventArgs.ToElement to find the HTML element that is receiving the event action, and HtmlElementEventArgs.FromElement to find the HTML element that the current event is causing us to leave. However, not every event supplies a value for these properties; see the managed documentation for an event, or the corresponding documentation in the Internet Explorer SDK documentation, to discover if the event supplies it.

Many events in the HTML DOM are sent to their parent elements unless they are cancelled. This is known as event bubbling. If a SPAN inside of a DIV receives a click, then a click event is raised for the SPAN first, then for the DIV, and finally for the HTML page's BODY element. HtmlElementEventArgs.BubbleEvent controls whether an event will behave in this manner or not.


Namespace: System.Windows.Forms
Assembly: System.Windows.Forms (in System.Windows.Forms.dll)
Assembly Versions: