UIKit.UIPrintInteractionController Members

The members of UIKit.UIPrintInteractionController are listed below.

See Also: Inherited members from Foundation.NSObject

Protected Constructors

Constructor to call on derived classes to skip initialization and merely allocate the object.
A constructor used when creating managed representations of unmanaged objects; Called by the runtime.

Public Properties

ChoosePaperUIPrintInteractionPaperList. Delegate invoked by the object to get a value.
ClassHandleIntPtr. The handle for this class.
CutLengthForPaperFunc<UIPrintInteractionController, UIPrintPaper, nfloat>. Delegate invoked by the object to get a value.
DelegateIUIPrintInteractionControllerDelegate. An instance of the UIKit.UIPrintInteractionControllerDelegate model class which acts as the class delegate.
GetViewControllerUIPrintInteraction. Delegate invoked by the object to get a value.
PrintableUTIsFoundation.NSSet. Uniform Type Identifiers for the types of data that UIKit can print.
PrintFormatterUIPrintFormatter. The UIPrintFormatter that will lay out of the content of pages based on the kind of content.
PrintInfoUIPrintInfo. Information about the print job.
PrintingAvailablebool. Whether printing is available.
PrintingItemFoundation.NSObject. A ready-to-print object.
PrintingItemsFoundation.NSObject[]. An array of ready-to-print objects.
PrintPageRendererUIPrintPageRenderer. If set, use the specified instance of UIPrintPageRenderer for printing.
PrintPaperUIPrintPaper. Holds the paper size and printing area for the print job. Read-only.
SharedPrintControllerUIPrintInteractionController. The shared print-interaction controller object.
ShowsNumberOfCopiesbool. Whether the printing options includes the number of copies to be printed.
ShowsPageRangebool. Whether the printing options includes a page-range control.
ShowsPaperSelectionForLoadedPapersbool. Boolean set for enabling the paper selection menu.
WeakDelegateFoundation.NSObject. An object that can respond to the delegate protocol for this type

Public Methods

CanPrint(Foundation.NSData) : bool
Determines if the data stored in the NSData can be printed.
CanPrint(Foundation.NSUrl) : bool
Whether printing is available.
Dismisses the printing-options sheet or popover.
Present(bool, UIPrintInteractionCompletionHandler) : bool
Presents an iPhone printing user interface.
PresentAsync(bool) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task<UIPrintInteractionResult>
Presents an iPhone printing user interface.
PresentAsync(bool, out bool) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task<UIPrintInteractionResult>
Presents an iPhone printing user interface asynchronously.
PresentFromBarButtonItem(UIBarButtonItem, bool, UIPrintInteractionCompletionHandler) : bool
Presents an iPad printing user interface in a popover view that can be animated from a soecified bar-button item.
PresentFromBarButtonItemAsync(UIBarButtonItem, bool) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task<UIPrintInteractionResult>
Presents an iPad printing user interface in a popover view that can be animated from a soecified bar-button item.
PresentFromBarButtonItemAsync(UIBarButtonItem, bool, out bool) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task<UIPrintInteractionResult>
Asynchronously presents the iPad printing user interface in a popover view that can be animated from a bar-button item.
PresentFromRectInView(CoreGraphics.CGRect, UIView, bool, UIPrintInteractionCompletionHandler) : bool
Presents an iPad printing user interface in a particular popover view that can be animated from any specified area in a view.
PresentFromRectInViewAsync(UIView, bool, CoreGraphics.CGRect) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task<UIPrintInteractionResult>
Presents the iPad printing user interface in a popover view that can be animated from any area in a view.
PresentFromRectInViewAsync(CoreGraphics.CGRect, UIView, bool, out bool) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task<UIPrintInteractionResult>
Asynchronously presents the iPad printing user interface in a popover view that can be animated from any area in a view.
PrintToPrinter(UIPrinter, UIPrintInteractionCompletionHandler) : bool
Prints directly to a specified printer.

Protected Methods

Releases the resources used by the UIPrintInteractionController object.

Public Events

DidDismissPrinterOptionsEvent raised by the object.
DidFinishJobEvent raised by the object.
DidPresentPrinterOptionsEvent raised by the object.
WillDismissPrinterOptionsEvent raised by the object.
WillPresentPrinterOptionsEvent raised by the object.
WillStartJobEvent raised by the object.