Java.Text.NumberFormat Members

The members of Java.Text.NumberFormat are listed below.

See Also: Inherited members from Java.Text._Format

Protected Constructors

Used by subclasses.
A constructor used when creating managed representations of JNI objects; called by the runtime.

Public Fields

FractionFieldint (1). Field constant identifying the fractional part of a number.
IntegerFieldint (0). Field constant identifying the integer part of a number.

Public Properties

CurrencyJava.Util.Currency. Returns the currency used by this number format.
CurrencyInstanceNumberFormat. Returns a NumberFormat for formatting and parsing currency values for the user's default locale.
GroupingUsedbool. Indicates whether this number format formats and parses numbers using a grouping separator.
InstanceNumberFormat. Returns a NumberFormat for formatting and parsing numbers for the default locale.
IntegerInstanceNumberFormat. Returns a NumberFormat for formatting and parsing integers for the user's default locale.
MaximumFractionDigitsint. Returns the maximum number of fraction digits that are printed when formatting.
MaximumIntegerDigitsint. Returns the maximum number of integer digits that are printed when formatting.
MinimumFractionDigitsint. Returns the minimum number of fraction digits that are printed when formatting.
MinimumIntegerDigitsint. Returns the minimum number of integer digits that are printed when formatting.
NumberInstanceNumberFormat. Returns a NumberFormat for formatting and parsing numbers for the user's default locale.
ParseIntegerOnlybool. Returns true if this number format only parses integer numbers.
PercentInstanceNumberFormat. Returns a NumberFormat for formatting and parsing percentage values for the user's default locale.
RoundingModeJava.Math.RoundingMode. Returns the RoundingMode used by this NumberFormat.

Protected Properties

ThresholdClassIntPtr. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
ThresholdTypeType. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

Public Methods

Format(double) : string
Formats the specified double using the rules of this number format.
Format(long) : string
Formats the specified long using the rules of this number format.
Format(Java.Lang.Object, Java.Lang.StringBuffer, FieldPosition) : Java.Lang.StringBuffer
Formats a number into a supplied buffer.
Format(double, Java.Lang.StringBuffer, FieldPosition) : Java.Lang.StringBuffer
Formats the specified double value as a string using the pattern of this number format and appends the string to the specified string buffer.
Format(long, Java.Lang.StringBuffer, FieldPosition) : Java.Lang.StringBuffer
Formats the specified long value as a string using the pattern of this number format and appends the string to the specified string buffer.
GetAvailableLocales() : Java.Util.Locale[]
Returns an array of locales for which custom NumberFormat instances are available.
GetCurrencyInstance(Java.Util.Locale) : NumberFormat
Returns a NumberFormat for formatting and parsing currency values for the specified locale.
GetInstance(Java.Util.Locale) : NumberFormat
Returns a NumberFormat for formatting and parsing numbers for the specified locale.
GetIntegerInstance(Java.Util.Locale) : NumberFormat
Returns a NumberFormat for formatting and parsing integers for the specified locale.
GetNumberInstance(Java.Util.Locale) : NumberFormat
Returns a NumberFormat for formatting and parsing numbers for the specified locale.
GetPercentInstance(Java.Util.Locale) : NumberFormat
Returns a NumberFormat for formatting and parsing percentage values for the given locale.
Parse(string) : Java.Lang.Number
Parses a Number from the specified string using the rules of this number format.
Parse(string, ParsePosition) : Java.Lang.Number
Parses a Number from the specified string starting at the index specified by position.
ParseObject(string, ParsePosition) : Java.Lang.Object
Parses the specified string starting at the index specified by position.