See Also: UsbRequest Members
A class representing USB request packet. This can be used for both reading and writing data to or from a Android.Hardware.Usb.UsbDeviceConnection. UsbRequests can be used to transfer data on bulk and interrupt endpoints. Requests on bulk endpoints can be sent synchronously via UsbDeviceConnection.BulkTransfer(UsbEndpoint, System.Byte[], System.Byte[], System.Byte[]) or asynchronously via UsbRequest.Queue(Java.Nio.ByteBuffer, System.Int32) and UsbDeviceConnection.RequestWait. Requests on interrupt endpoints are only send and received asynchronously.
Requests on endpoint zero are not supported by this class; use UsbDeviceConnection.ControlTransfer(UsbAddressing, System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32) for endpoint zero requests instead.