Foundation.NSUrlSessionConfiguration Members

The members of Foundation.NSUrlSessionConfiguration are listed below.

See Also: Inherited members from Foundation.NSObject

Protected Constructors

Constructor to call on derived classes to skip initialization and merely allocate the object.
A constructor used when creating managed representations of unmanaged objects; Called by the runtime.

Public Properties

AllowsCellularAccessbool. Whether connections should be made over a cellular network.
ClassHandleIntPtr. The handle for this class.
ConnectionProxyDictionaryNSDictionary. A dictionary with information about the HTTP proxy to use within this session.
DefaultSessionConfigurationNSUrlSessionConfiguration. A copy of the default session configuration.
Discretionarybool. Whether background tasks can be scheduled at the discretion of the system in order to improve performance.
EphemeralSessionConfigurationNSUrlSessionConfiguration. A session configuration that uses no persistent storage for caches, cookies, or credentials.
HttpAdditionalHeadersNSDictionary. Additional headers to send with requests.
HttpCookieAcceptPolicyNSHttpCookieAcceptPolicy. The policy on whether cookies should be accepted.
HttpCookieStorageNSHttpCookieStorage. The pool for storing cookies within this session.
HttpMaximumConnectionsPerHostnint. The maximum number of simultaneous connections allowed for a single host.
HttpShouldSetCookiesbool. Whether requests should contain cookies from the HttpCookieStorage pool.
HttpShouldUsePipeliningbool. Whether HTTP pipelining should be used.
Identifierstring. The background session identifier.
NetworkServiceTypeNSUrlRequestNetworkServiceType. The type of network service.
RequestCachePolicyNSUrlRequestCachePolicy. A constant that determines when to return a response from the cache.
SessionSendsLaunchEventsbool. Whether the app should be resumed or launched in the background when needed.
SharedContainerIdentifierstring. Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.
TimeoutIntervalForRequestdouble. The timeout interval, in seconds, when waiting for additional data.
TimeoutIntervalForResourcedouble. The maximum amount of time, in seconds, that a resource request should be allowed to take.
TLSMaximumSupportedProtocolSecurity.SslProtocol. The maximum TLS protocol version that a client should request when making connections.
TLSMinimumSupportedProtocolSecurity.SslProtocol. The minimum TLS protocol version that should be accepted during protocol negotiation.
URLCacheNSUrlCache. The URL cache for providing cached responses.
URLCredentialStorageNSUrlCredentialStorage. The credential storage pool that provides stored credentials for authentication.
WeakProtocolClassesNSArray. Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.

Public Methods

BackgroundSessionConfiguration(string) : NSUrlSessionConfiguration
A preconfigured session object that causes the upload or download to be performed in the background.
Copy(NSZone) : NSObject
Performs a copy of the underlying Objective-C object.
CreateBackgroundSessionConfiguration(string) : NSUrlSessionConfiguration
Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.

Protected Methods

Releases the resources used by the NSUrlSessionConfiguration object.