Android.Media.Audiofx.AudioEffect.ActionDisplayAudioEffectControlPanel Field
Intent to launch an audio effect control panel UI.


public const string ActionDisplayAudioEffectControlPanel


Intent to launch an audio effect control panel UI.

The goal of this intent is to enable separate implementations of music/media player applications and audio effect control application or services. This will allow platform vendors to offer more advanced control options for standard effects or control for platform specific effects.

The intent carries a number of extras used by the player application to communicate necessary pieces of information to the control panel application.

The calling application must use the Android.App.Activity.StartActivityForResult(Android.Content.Intent, System.Int32) method to launch the control panel so that its package name is indicated and used by the control panel application to keep track of changes for this particular application.

The AudioEffect.ExtraAudioSession extra will indicate an audio session to which the audio effects should be applied. If no audio session is specified, either one of the follownig will happen:

- If an audio session was previously opened by the calling application with AudioEffect.ActionOpenAudioEffectControlSession intent, the effect changes will be applied to that session.

- If no audio session is opened, the changes will be stored in the package specific storage area and applied whenever a new audio session is opened by this application.

The AudioEffect.ExtraContentType extra will help the control panel application customize both the UI layout and the default audio effect settings if none are already stored for the calling application.

[Android Documentation]


Namespace: Android.Media.Audiofx
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions:
Since: Added in API level 9