System.Windows.Forms.ToolTip: Method Members

The methods of System.Windows.Forms.ToolTip are listed below. For a list of all members, see the ToolTip Members list.

See Also: Inherited members from System.ComponentModel.Component

Public Methods

CanExtend(object) : bool

Returns true if the ToolTip can offer an extender property to the specified target component.


Releases the unmanaged resources and performs other cleanup operations before the System.Windows.Forms.Cursor is reclaimed by the garbage collector.

GetToolTip(Control) : string

Retrieves the ToolTip text associated with the specified control.


Hides the specified ToolTip window.


Removes all ToolTip text currently associated with the ToolTip component.

SetToolTip(Control, string)

Associates ToolTip text with the specified control.

Show(string, IWin32Window)

Sets the ToolTip text associated with the specified control, and displays the ToolTip modally.

Show(string, IWin32Window, System.Drawing.Point)

Sets the ToolTip text associated with the specified control, and then displays the ToolTip modally at the specified relative position.

Show(string, IWin32Window, int)

Sets the ToolTip text associated with the specified control, and then displays the ToolTip for the specified duration.

Show(string, IWin32Window, System.Drawing.Point, int)

Sets the ToolTip text associated with the specified control, and then displays the ToolTip for the specified duration at the specified relative position.

Show(string, IWin32Window, int, int)

Sets the ToolTip text associated with the specified control, and then displays the ToolTip modally at the specified relative position.

Show(string, IWin32Window, int, int, int)

Sets the ToolTip text associated with the specified control, and then displays the ToolTip for the specified duration at the specified relative position.

ToString() : string

Returns a string representation for this control.

Protected Methods


Disposes of the System.Windows.Forms.ToolTip component.


Stops the timer that hides displayed ToolTips.