Android.Content.ContentResolver.AddPeriodicSync Method
Specifies that a sync should be requested with the specified the account, authority, and extras at the given frequency.


[Android.Runtime.Register("addPeriodicSync", "(Landroid/accounts/Account;Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/os/Bundle;J)V", "")]
public static void AddPeriodicSync (Android.Accounts.Account account, string authority, Android.OS.Bundle extras, long pollFrequency)


the account to specify in the sync
the provider to specify in the sync request
extra parameters to go along with the sync request
how frequently the sync should be performed, in seconds.


Java.Lang.IllegalArgumentExceptionif an illegal extra was set or if any of the parameters are null.


Specifies that a sync should be requested with the specified the account, authority, and extras at the given frequency. If there is already another periodic sync scheduled with the account, authority and extras then a new periodic sync won't be added, instead the frequency of the previous one will be updated.

These periodic syncs honor the "syncAutomatically" and "masterSyncAutomatically" settings. Although these sync are scheduled at the specified frequency, it may take longer for it to actually be started if other syncs are ahead of it in the sync operation queue. This means that the actual start time may drift.

Periodic syncs are not allowed to have any of ContentResolver.SyncExtrasDoNotRetry, ContentResolver.SyncExtrasIgnoreBackoff, ContentResolver.SyncExtrasIgnoreSettings, ContentResolver.SyncExtrasInitialize, ContentResolver.SyncExtrasForce, ContentResolver.SyncExtrasExpedited, ContentResolver.SyncExtrasManual set to true. If any are supplied then an Java.Lang.IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.

This method requires the caller to hold the permission NoType:android/Manifest$permission;Href=../../../reference/android/Manifest.permission.html#WRITE_SYNC_SETTINGS.

The bundle for a periodic sync can be queried by applications with the correct permissions using ContentResolver.GetPeriodicSyncs(Android.Accounts.Account, System.String), so no sensitive data should be transferred here.

[Android Documentation]


Namespace: Android.Content
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions:
Since: Added in API level 8