Org.W3c.Dom.LS.LSException Class
Parser or write operations may throw an LSException if the processing is stopped.

See Also: LSException Members


[Android.Runtime.Register("org/w3c/dom/ls/LSException", DoNotGenerateAcw=true)]
public class LSException : Java.Lang.RuntimeException


Parser or write operations may throw an LSException if the processing is stopped. The processing can be stopped due to a DOMError with a severity of DOMError.SEVERITY_FATAL_ERROR or a non recovered DOMError.SEVERITY_ERROR, or if DOMErrorHandler.handleError() returned false.

Note: As suggested in the definition of the constants in the DOMError interface, a DOM implementation may choose to continue after a fatal error, but the resulting DOM tree is then implementation dependent.

See also the .

[Android Documentation]


Namespace: Org.W3c.Dom.LS
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions:
Since: Added in API level 8