The fields of Android.Content.Intent are listed below. For a list of all members, see the Intent Members list.
See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Object
const | ActionAirplaneModeChanged | string. |
const | ActionAllApps | string. Activity Action: List all available applications |
const | ActionAnswer | string. Activity Action: Handle an incoming phone call. |
const | ActionAppError | string. Activity Action: The user pressed the "Report" button in the crash/ANR dialog. |
const | ActionApplicationRestrictionsChanged | string. Broadcast Action: Sent after application restrictions are changed. |
const | ActionAssist | string. Activity Action: Perform assist action. |
const | ActionAttachData | string. Used to indicate that some piece of data should be attached to some other place. |
const | ActionBatteryChanged | string. Broadcast Action: This is a sticky broadcast containing the charging state, level, and other information about the battery. |
const | ActionBatteryLow | string. Broadcast Action: Indicates low battery condition on the device. |
const | ActionBatteryOkay | string. Broadcast Action: Indicates the battery is now okay after being low. |
const | ActionBootCompleted | string. Broadcast Action: This is broadcast once, after the system has finished booting. |
const | ActionBugReport | string. Activity Action: Show activity for reporting a bug. |
const | ActionCall | string. Activity Action: Perform a call to someone specified by the data. |
const | ActionCallButton | string. Activity Action: The user pressed the "call" button to go to the dialer or other appropriate UI for placing a call. |
const | ActionCameraButton | string. Broadcast Action: The "Camera Button" was pressed. |
const | ActionChooser | string. Activity Action: Display an activity chooser, allowing the user to pick what they want to before proceeding. |
const | ActionCloseSystemDialogs | string. Broadcast Action: This is broadcast when a user action should request a temporary system dialog to dismiss. |
const | ActionConfigurationChanged | string. Broadcast Action: The current device Android.Content.Res.Configuration (orientation, locale, etc) has changed. |
const | ActionCreateDocument | string. Activity Action: Allow the user to create a new document. |
const | ActionCreateShortcut | string. Activity Action: Creates a shortcut. |
const | ActionDateChanged | string. Broadcast Action: The date has changed. |
const | ActionDefault | string. A synonym for Intent.ActionView, the "standard" action that is performed on a piece of data. |
const | ActionDelete | string. Activity Action: Delete the given data from its container. |
const | ActionDeviceStorageLow | string. Broadcast Action: A sticky broadcast that indicates low memory condition on the device |
const | ActionDeviceStorageOk | string. Broadcast Action: Indicates low memory condition on the device no longer exists |
const | ActionDial | string. Activity Action: Dial a number as specified by the data. |
const | ActionDockEvent | string. Broadcast Action: A sticky broadcast for changes in the physical docking state of the device. |
const | ActionDreamingStarted | string. Broadcast Action: Sent after the system starts dreaming. |
const | ActionDreamingStopped | string. Broadcast Action: Sent after the system stops dreaming. |
const | ActionEdit | string. Activity Action: Provide explicit editable access to the given data. |
const | ActionExternalApplicationsAvailable | string. Broadcast Action: Resources for a set of packages (which were previously unavailable) are currently available since the media on which they exist is available. |
const | ActionExternalApplicationsUnavailable | string. Broadcast Action: Resources for a set of packages are currently unavailable since the media on which they exist is unavailable. |
const | ActionFactoryTest | string. Activity Action: Main entry point for factory tests. |
const | ActionGetContent | string. Activity Action: Allow the user to select a particular kind of data and return it. |
const | ActionGetRestrictionEntries | string. Broadcast to a specific application to query any supported restrictions to impose on restricted users. |
const | ActionGtalkServiceConnected | string. Broadcast Action: A GTalk connection has been established. |
const | ActionGtalkServiceDisconnected | string. Broadcast Action: A GTalk connection has been disconnected. |
const | ActionHeadsetPlug | string. Broadcast Action: Wired Headset plugged in or unplugged. |
const | ActionInputMethodChanged | string. Broadcast Action: An input method has been changed. |
const | ActionInsert | string. Activity Action: Insert an empty item into the given container. |
const | ActionInsertOrEdit | string. Activity Action: Pick an existing item, or insert a new item, and then edit it. |
const | ActionInstallPackage | string. Activity Action: Launch application installer. |
const | ActionLocaleChanged | string. Broadcast Action: The current device's locale has changed. |
const | ActionMain | string. Activity Action: Start as a main entry point, does not expect to receive data. |
const | ActionManagedProfileAdded | string. Broadcast sent to the primary user when an associated managed profile is added (the profile was created and is ready to be used). |
const | ActionManagedProfileRemoved | string. Broadcast sent to the primary user when an associated managed profile is removed. |
const | ActionManageNetworkUsage | string. Activity Action: Show settings for managing network data usage of a specific application. |
const | ActionManagePackageStorage | string. Broadcast Action: Indicates low memory condition notification acknowledged by user and package management should be started. |
const | ActionMediaBadRemoval | string. Broadcast Action: External media was removed from SD card slot, but mount point was not unmounted. |
const | ActionMediaButton | string. Broadcast Action: The "Media Button" was pressed. |
const | ActionMediaChecking | string. Broadcast Action: External media is present, and being disk-checked The path to the mount point for the checking media is contained in the Intent.mData field. |
const | ActionMediaEject | string. Broadcast Action: User has expressed the desire to remove the external storage media. |
const | ActionMediaMounted | string. Broadcast Action: External media is present and mounted at its mount point. |
const | ActionMediaNofs | string. Broadcast Action: External media is present, but is using an incompatible fs (or is blank) The path to the mount point for the checking media is contained in the Intent.mData field. |
const | ActionMediaRemoved | string. Broadcast Action: External media has been removed. |
const | ActionMediaScannerFinished | string. Broadcast Action: The media scanner has finished scanning a directory. |
const | ActionMediaScannerScanFile | string. Broadcast Action: Request the media scanner to scan a file and add it to the media database. |
const | ActionMediaScannerStarted | string. Broadcast Action: The media scanner has started scanning a directory. |
const | ActionMediaShared | string. Broadcast Action: External media is unmounted because it is being shared via USB mass storage. |
const | ActionMediaUnmountable | string. Broadcast Action: External media is present but cannot be mounted. |
const | ActionMediaUnmounted | string. Broadcast Action: External media is present, but not mounted at its mount point. |
const | ActionMyPackageReplaced | string. Broadcast Action: A new version of your application has been installed over an existing one. |
const | ActionNewOutgoingCall | string. Broadcast Action: An outgoing call is about to be placed. |
const | ActionOpenDocument | string. Activity Action: Allow the user to select and return one or more existing documents. |
const | ActionOpenDocumentTree | string. Activity Action: Allow the user to pick a directory subtree. |
const | ActionPackageAdded | string. Broadcast Action: A new application package has been installed on the device. |
const | ActionPackageChanged | string. Broadcast Action: An existing application package has been changed (e.g. a component has been enabled or disabled). |
const | ActionPackageDataCleared | string. Broadcast Action: The user has cleared the data of a package. |
const | ActionPackageFirstLaunch | string. Broadcast Action: Sent to the installer package of an application when that application is first launched (that is the first time it is moved out of the stopped state). |
const | ActionPackageFullyRemoved | string. Broadcast Action: An existing application package has been completely removed from the device. |
const | ActionPackageInstall | string. Broadcast Action: Trigger the download and eventual installation of a package. |
const | ActionPackageNeedsVerification | string. Broadcast Action: Sent to the system package verifier when a package needs to be verified. |
const | ActionPackageRemoved | string. Broadcast Action: An existing application package has been removed from the device. |
const | ActionPackageReplaced | string. Broadcast Action: A new version of an application package has been installed, replacing an existing version that was previously installed. |
const | ActionPackageRestarted | string. Broadcast Action: The user has restarted a package, and all of its processes have been killed. |
const | ActionPackageVerified | string. Broadcast Action: Sent to the system package verifier when a package is verified. |
const | ActionPaste | string. Activity Action: Create a new item in the given container, initializing it from the current contents of the clipboard. |
const | ActionPick | string. Activity Action: Pick an item from the data, returning what was selected. |
const | ActionPickActivity | string. Activity Action: Pick an activity given an intent, returning the class selected. |
const | ActionPowerConnected | string. Broadcast Action: External power has been connected to the device. |
const | ActionPowerDisconnected | string. Broadcast Action: External power has been removed from the device. |
const | ActionPowerUsageSummary | string. Activity Action: Show power usage information to the user. |
const | ActionProviderChanged | string. Broadcast Action: Some content providers have parts of their namespace where they publish new events or items that the user may be especially interested in. |
const | ActionQuickClock | string. Sent when the user taps on the clock widget in the system's "quick settings" area. |
const | ActionReboot | string. Broadcast Action: Have the device reboot. |
const | ActionRun | string. Activity Action: Run the data, whatever that means. |
const | ActionScreenOff | string. Broadcast Action: Sent when the device goes to sleep and becomes non-interactive. |
const | ActionScreenOn | string. Broadcast Action: Sent when the device wakes up and becomes interactive. |
const | ActionSearch | string. Activity Action: Perform a search. |
const | ActionSearchLongPress | string. Activity Action: Start action associated with long pressing on the search key. |
const | ActionSend | string. Activity Action: Deliver some data to someone else. |
const | ActionSendMultiple | string. Activity Action: Deliver multiple data to someone else. |
const | ActionSendto | string. Activity Action: Send a message to someone specified by the data. |
const | ActionSetWallpaper | string. Activity Action: Show settings for choosing wallpaper |
const | ActionShutdown | string. Broadcast Action: Device is shutting down. |
const | ActionSync | string. Activity Action: Perform a data synchronization. |
const | ActionSystemTutorial | string. Activity Action: Start the platform-defined tutorial |
const | ActionTimeChanged | string. Broadcast Action: The time was set. |
const | ActionTimeTick | string. Broadcast Action: The current time has changed. |
const | ActionTimezoneChanged | string. Broadcast Action: The timezone has changed. |
const | ActionUidRemoved | string. Broadcast Action: A user ID has been removed from the system. |
const | ActionUmsConnected | string. Broadcast Action: The device has entered USB Mass Storage mode. |
const | ActionUmsDisconnected | string. Broadcast Action: The device has exited USB Mass Storage mode. |
const | ActionUninstallPackage | string. Activity Action: Launch application uninstaller. |
const | ActionUserBackground | string. Sent when a user switch is happening, causing the process's user to be sent to the background. |
const | ActionUserForeground | string. Sent when a user switch is happening, causing the process's user to be brought to the foreground. |
const | ActionUserInitialize | string. Sent the first time a user is starting, to allow system apps to perform one time initialization. |
const | ActionUserPresent | string. Broadcast Action: Sent when the user is present after device wakes up (e.g when the keyguard is gone). |
const | ActionView | string. Activity Action: Display the data to the user. |
const | ActionVoiceCommand | string. Activity Action: Start Voice Command. |
const | ActionWallpaperChanged | string. Broadcast Action: The current system wallpaper has changed. |
const | ActionWebSearch | string. Activity Action: Perform a web search. |
const | CategoryAlternative | string. Set if the activity should be considered as an alternative action to the data the user is currently viewing. |
const | CategoryAppBrowser | string. Used with Intent.ActionMain to launch the browser application. |
const | CategoryAppCalculator | string. Used with Intent.ActionMain to launch the calculator application. |
const | CategoryAppCalendar | string. Used with Intent.ActionMain to launch the calendar application. |
const | CategoryAppContacts | string. Used with Intent.ActionMain to launch the contacts application. |
const | CategoryAppEmail | string. Used with Intent.ActionMain to launch the email application. |
const | CategoryAppGallery | string. Used with Intent.ActionMain to launch the gallery application. |
const | CategoryAppMaps | string. Used with Intent.ActionMain to launch the maps application. |
const | CategoryAppMarket | string. This activity allows the user to browse and download new applications. |
const | CategoryAppMessaging | string. Used with Intent.ActionMain to launch the messaging application. |
const | CategoryAppMusic | string. Used with Intent.ActionMain to launch the music application. |
const | CategoryBrowsable | string. Activities that can be safely invoked from a browser must support this category. |
const | CategoryCarDock | string. An activity to run when device is inserted into a car dock. |
const | CategoryCarMode | string. Used to indicate that the activity can be used in a car environment. |
const | CategoryDefault | string. Set if the activity should be an option for the default action (center press) to perform on a piece of data. |
const | CategoryDeskDock | string. An activity to run when device is inserted into a car dock. |
const | CategoryDevelopmentPreference | string. This activity is a development preference panel. |
const | CategoryEmbed | string. Capable of running inside a parent activity container. |
const | CategoryFrameworkInstrumentationTest | string. To be used as code under test for framework instrumentation tests. |
const | CategoryHeDeskDock | string. An activity to run when device is inserted into a digital (high end) dock. |
const | CategoryHome | string. This is the home activity, that is the first activity that is displayed when the device boots. |
const | CategoryInfo | string. Provides information about the package it is in; typically used if a package does not contain a Intent.CategoryLauncher to provide a front-door to the user without having to be shown in the all apps list. |
const | CategoryLauncher | string. Should be displayed in the top-level launcher. |
const | CategoryLeanbackLauncher | string. Indicates an activity optimized for Leanback mode, and that should be displayed in the Leanback launcher. |
const | CategoryLeDeskDock | string. An activity to run when device is inserted into a analog (low end) dock. |
const | CategoryMonkey | string. This activity may be exercised by the monkey or other automated test tools. |
const | CategoryOpenable | string. Used to indicate that an intent only wants URIs that can be opened with ContentResolver.OpenFileDescriptor(Android.Net.Uri, System.String). |
const | CategoryPreference | string. This activity is a preference panel. |
const | CategorySampleCode | string. To be used as a sample code example (not part of the normal user experience). |
const | CategorySelectedAlternative | string. Set if the activity should be considered as an alternative selection action to the data the user has currently selected. |
const | CategoryTab | string. Intended to be used as a tab inside of a containing TabActivity. |
const | CategoryTest | string. To be used as a test (not part of the normal user experience). |
const | CategoryUnitTest | string. To be used as a unit test (run through the Test Harness). |
const | ExtraAlarmCount | string. Used as an int extra field in Android.App.AlarmManager intents to tell the application being invoked how many pending alarms are being delievered with the intent. |
const | ExtraAllowMultiple | string. Extra used to indicate that an intent can allow the user to select and return multiple items. |
const | ExtraAllowReplace | string. Used as a boolean extra field with Intent.ActionInstallPackage to install a package. |
const | ExtraAssistContext | string. An optional field on Intent.ActionAssist and containing additional contextual information supplied by the current foreground app at the time of the assist request. |
const | ExtraAssistInputHintKeyboard | string. An optional field on Intent.ActionAssist suggesting that the user will likely use a keyboard as the primary input device for assistance. |
const | ExtraAssistPackage | string. An optional field on Intent.ActionAssist containing the name of the current foreground application package at the time the assist was invoked. |
const | ExtraBcc | string. A String[] holding e-mail addresses that should be blind carbon copied. |
const | ExtraBugReport | string. Used as a parcelable extra field in Intent.ActionAppError, containing the bug report. |
const | ExtraCc | string. A String[] holding e-mail addresses that should be carbon copied. |
const | ExtraChangedComponentName | string. |
const | ExtraChangedComponentNameList | string. This field is part of Intent.ActionPackageChanged, and contains a string array of all of the components that have changed. |
const | ExtraChangedPackageList | string. This field is part of Intent.ActionExternalApplicationsAvailable, Intent.ActionExternalApplicationsUnavailable and contains a string array of all of the components that have changed. |
const | ExtraChangedUidList | string. This field is part of Intent.ActionExternalApplicationsAvailable, Intent.ActionExternalApplicationsUnavailable and contains an integer array of uids of all of the components that have changed. |
const | ExtraDataRemoved | string. Used as a boolean extra field in Intent.ActionPackageRemoved intents to indicate whether this represents a full uninstall (removing both the code and its data) or a partial uninstall (leaving its data, implying that this is an update). |
const | ExtraDockState | string. Used as an int extra field in Intent.ActionDockEvent intents to request the dock state. |
const | ExtraDontKillApp | string. Used as a boolean extra field in Intent.ActionPackageRemoved or Intent.ActionPackageChanged intents to override the default action of restarting the application. |
const | ExtraEmail | string. A String[] holding e-mail addresses that should be delivered to. |
const | ExtraHtmlText | string. A constant String that is associated with the Intent, used with Intent.ActionSend to supply an alternative to Intent.ExtraText as HTML formatted text. |
const | ExtraInitialIntents | string. A Parcelable[] of Android.Content.Intent or Android.Content.PM.LabeledIntent objects as set with Intent.PutExtra(string, Android.OS.IParcelable[]) of additional activities to place a the front of the list of choices, when shown to the user with a Intent.ActionChooser. |
const | ExtraInstallerPackageName | string. Used as a string extra field with Intent.ActionInstallPackage to install a package. |
const | ExtraIntent | string. An Intent describing the choices you would like shown with Intent.ActionPickActivity. |
const | ExtraKeyEvent | string. A Android.Views.KeyEvent object containing the event that triggered the creation of the Intent it is in. |
const | ExtraLocalOnly | string. Extra used to indicate that an intent should only return data that is on the local device. |
const | ExtraMimeTypes | string. Extra used to communicate a set of acceptable MIME types. |
const | ExtraNotUnknownSource | string. Used as a boolean extra field with Intent.ActionInstallPackage to install a package. |
const | ExtraOriginatingUri | string. Used as a URI extra field with Intent.ActionInstallPackage and Intent.ActionView to indicate the URI from which the local APK in the Intent data field originated from. |
const | ExtraPhoneNumber | string. A String holding the phone number originally entered in Intent.ActionNewOutgoingCall, or the actual number to call in a Intent.ActionCall. |
const | ExtraReferrer | string. Used as a URI extra field with Intent.ActionInstallPackage and Intent.ActionView to indicate the HTTP referrer URI associated with the Intent data field or Intent.ExtraOriginatingUri. |
const | ExtraRemoteIntentToken | string. Used in the extra field in the remote intent. |
const | ExtraReplacementExtras | string. A Bundle forming a mapping of potential target package names to different extras Bundles to add to the default intent extras in Intent.ExtraIntent when used with Intent.ActionChooser. |
const | ExtraReplacing | string. Used as a boolean extra field in Intent.ActionPackageRemoved intents to indicate that this is a replacement of the package, so this broadcast will immediately be followed by an add broadcast for a different version of the same package. |
const | ExtraRestrictionsBundle | string. Extra sent in the intent to the BroadcastReceiver that handles Intent.ActionGetRestrictionEntries. |
const | ExtraRestrictionsIntent | string. Extra used in the response from a BroadcastReceiver that handles Intent.ActionGetRestrictionEntries. |
const | ExtraRestrictionsList | string. Extra used in the response from a BroadcastReceiver that handles Intent.ActionGetRestrictionEntries. |
const | ExtraReturnResult | string. Used as a boolean extra field with Intent.ActionInstallPackage or Intent.ActionUninstallPackage. |
const | ExtraShortcutIcon | string. The name of the extra used to define the icon, as a Bitmap, of a shortcut. |
const | ExtraShortcutIconResource | string. The name of the extra used to define the icon, as a ShortcutIconResource, of a shortcut. |
const | ExtraShortcutIntent | string. The name of the extra used to define the Intent of a shortcut. |
const | ExtraShortcutName | string. The name of the extra used to define the name of a shortcut. |
const | ExtraShutdownUserspaceOnly | string. Optional extra for Intent.ActionShutdown that allows the sender to qualify that this shutdown is only for the user space of the system, not a complete shutdown. |
const | ExtraStream | string. A content: URI holding a stream of data associated with the Intent, used with Intent.ActionSend to supply the data being sent. |
const | ExtraSubject | string. A constant string holding the desired subject line of a message. |
const | ExtraTemplate | string. The initial data to place in a newly created record. |
const | ExtraText | string. A constant CharSequence that is associated with the Intent, used with Intent.ActionSend to supply the literal data to be sent. |
const | ExtraTitle | string. A CharSequence dialog title to provide to the user when used with a Intent.ActionChooser. |
const | ExtraUid | string. Used as an int extra field in Intent.ActionUidRemoved intents to supply the uid the package had been assigned. |
const | ExtraUser | string. The UserHandle carried with broadcasts intents related to addition and removal of managed profiles - Intent.ActionManagedProfileAdded and Intent.ActionManagedProfileRemoved. |
const | MetadataDockHome | string. Boolean that can be supplied as meta-data with a dock activity, to indicate that the dock should take over the home key when it is active. |
const | UriIntentScheme | IntentUriType (1). Flag for use with Intent.ToUri(IntentUriType) and Intent.ParseUri(string, Android.Content.IntentUriType): the URI string always has the "intent:" scheme. |