Android.App.ActivityAttribute: Property Members

The properties of Android.App.ActivityAttribute are listed below. For a list of all members, see the ActivityAttribute Members list.

See Also: Inherited members from System.Attribute

Public Properties

AllowEmbeddedbool. Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.
AllowTaskReparentingbool. Whether or not the activity can move from the tasdk that started it to the task it has an affinity for.
AlwaysRetainTaskStatebool. Whether or not the state of the task that the activity is in will always be maintained by the system.
ClearTaskOnLaunchbool. Whether or not all activities will be removed from the task, except for the root activity, whenever it is re-launched from the home screen.
ConfigurationChangesAndroid.Content.PM.ConfigChanges. The configuration changes that the activity will handle itself.
Enabledbool. Whether or not the activity can be instantiated by the system.
ExcludeFromRecentsbool. Whether or not the activity should be excluded from the list of recently launched activities.
Exportedbool. Whether or not the activity can be launched by components of other applications.
FinishOnTaskLaunchbool. Whether or not an existing instance of the activity should be shut down whenever the user again launches its task.
HardwareAcceleratedbool. Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.
Iconstring. An icon representing the activity.
Labelstring. A user-readable label for the activity.
LaunchModeAndroid.Content.PM.LaunchMode. How the activity should be launched.
LayoutDirectionAndroid.Views.LayoutDirection. Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.
MainLauncherbool. Whether or not the activity should be the main launcher for an application.
MultiProcessbool. Whether an instance of the activity can be launched into the process of the component that started it.
Namestring. The name of the class that implements the activity.
NoHistorybool. Whether or not the activity should be removed from the activity stack and finished when the user navigates away.
ParentActivityType. Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.
Permissionstring. The name of a permission that clients must have to launch the activity.
Processstring. The name of the process in which the activity should run.
ScreenOrientationAndroid.Content.PM.ScreenOrientation. The orientation of the activity's display on the device.
StateNotNeededbool. Whether or not the activity can be killed and successfully restarted without having saved its state.
TaskAffinitystring. The task that the activity has an affinity for.
Themestring. A reference to a style resource defining an overall theme for the activity.
UiOptionsAndroid.Content.PM.UiOptions. Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.
WindowSoftInputModeAndroid.Views.SoftInput. How the main window of the activity interacts with the window containing hte on-screen soft keyboard.