Android.Widget.SimpleCursorTreeAdapter Class
An easy adapter to map columns from a cursor to TextViews or ImageViews defined in an XML file.

See Also: SimpleCursorTreeAdapter Members


[Android.Runtime.Register("android/widget/SimpleCursorTreeAdapter", DoNotGenerateAcw=true)]
public abstract class SimpleCursorTreeAdapter : ResourceCursorTreeAdapter


An easy adapter to map columns from a cursor to TextViews or ImageViews defined in an XML file. You can specify which columns you want, which views you want to display the columns, and the XML file that defines the appearance of these views. Separate XML files for child and groups are possible. Binding occurs in two phases. First, if a NoType:android/widget/SimpleCursorTreeAdapter$ViewBinder;Href=../../../reference/android/widget/SimpleCursorTreeAdapter.ViewBinder.html is available, NoType:android/widget/SimpleCursorTreeAdapter$ViewBinder;Href=../../../reference/android/widget/SimpleCursorTreeAdapter.ViewBinder.html#setViewValue(android.view.View, android.database.Cursor, int) is invoked. If the returned value is true, binding has occurred. If the returned value is false and the view to bind is a TextView, SimpleCursorTreeAdapter.SetViewText(TextView, System.String) is invoked. If the returned value is false and the view to bind is an ImageView, SimpleCursorTreeAdapter.SetViewImage(ImageView, System.String) is invoked. If no appropriate binding can be found, an Java.Lang.IllegalStateException is thrown.

[Android Documentation]


Namespace: Android.Widget
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions:
Since: Added in API level 1