System.Resources.ResourceSet: Method Members

The methods of System.Resources.ResourceSet are listed below. For a list of all members, see the ResourceSet Members list.

See Also: Inherited members from System.Object

Public Methods


Closes and releases any resources used by this System.Resources.ResourceSet.


Disposes of the resources (other than memory) used by the current instance of System.Resources.ResourceSet.

GetDefaultReader() : Type

Returns the preferred resource reader class for this kind of System.Resources.ResourceSet.

GetDefaultWriter() : Type

Returns the preferred resource writer class for this kind of System.Resources.ResourceSet.

GetEnumerator() : IDictionaryEnumerator

Returns an IDictionaryEnumerator that can iterate through the System.Resources.ResourceSet.

GetObject(string) : object

Searches for a resource object with the specified name.

GetObject(string, bool) : object

Searches for a resource object with the specified name in a case-insensitive manner, if requested.

GetString(string) : string

Searches for a string resource with the specified name.

GetString(string, bool) : string

Searches for a string resource with the specified name in a case-insensitive manner, if requested.

Protected Methods


Releases resources (other than memory) associated with the current instance, closing internal managed objects if requested.


Reads all the resources and stores them in a Hashtable indicated in the ResourceSet.Table property.