Accounts Namespace

System Accounts Framework.


A global system for storing account information and UI to authenticate to services.

As of iOS 7, the supported services are:

Facebook Accounts.ACAccountType.Facebook
Sina Weibo Accounts.ACAccountType.SinaWeibo
Tencent Weibo Accounts.ACAccountType.TencentWeibo
Twitter Accounts.ACAccountType.Twitter


ACAccountRepresents a user account stored in the Accounts database.
ACAccountCredentialEncapsulates information needed to authenticate a user.
ACAccountCredentialRenewResultAn enumeration whose values indicate the result of a credential renewal request (see Accounts.ACAccountStore.RenewCredentials).
ACAccountStoreEncapsulates the Accounts database, providing access to Accounts.ACAccount objects.
ACAccountStore+NotificationsNotification posted by the Accounts.ACAccountStore class.
ACAccountStoreSaveCompletionHandlerA delegate that specifies the completion handler in calls to the Accounts.ACAccountStore.SaveAccount method.
ACAccountTypeA class that contains information about Accounts.ACAccounts of a particular type.
AccountStoreOptionsOptions available when requesting Facebook access.
ACErrorCodeAn enumeration whose values indicate various errors relating to accessing accounts.
ACFacebookAudienceSpecifies target audience for Facebook posts.
ACFacebookAudienceValueAn enumeration whose values specify the visibility of a post to Facebook.
ACFacebookKeyA class that encapsulates keys necessary for Facebook requests. Used with Accounts.ACAccountStore.RequestAccess (Accounts.ACAccountType, Accounts.AccountStoreOptions, Accounts.ACRequestCompletionHandler).
ACRequestCompletionHandlerA delegate that specifies the handler executed at the completion of calls to Accounts.ACAccountStore.RequestAccesss.
ACTencentWeiboKeyKey to use when accessing Tencent Weibo accounts. Used with Accounts.ACAccountStore.RequestAccess (Accounts.ACAccountType, Accounts.AccountStoreOptions, Accounts.ACRequestCompletionHandler).