System.Web.HttpServerUtility: Method Members

The methods of System.Web.HttpServerUtility are listed below. For a list of all members, see the HttpServerUtility Members list.

See Also: Inherited members from System.Object

Public Methods


Clears the previous exception.

CreateObject(string) : object

Creates a server instance of a COM object identified by the object's programmatic identifier (ProgID).

CreateObject(Type) : object

Creates a server instance of a COM object identified by the object's type.

CreateObjectFromClsid(string) : object

Creates a server instance of a COM object identified by the object's class identifier (CLSID).


Executes the handler for the specified virtual path in the context of the current request.

Execute(string, bool)

Executes the handler for the specified virtual path in the context of the current request and specifies whether to clear the HttpRequest.QueryString and HttpRequest.Form collections.

Execute(string, System.IO.TextWriter)

Executes the handler for the specified virtual path in the context of the current request. A System.IO.TextWriter captures output from the executed handler.

Execute(string, System.IO.TextWriter, bool)

Executes the handler for the specified virtual path in the context of the current request. A System.IO.TextWriter captures output from the page and a Boolean parameter specifies whether to clear the HttpRequest.QueryString and HttpRequest.Form collections.

Execute(IHttpHandler, System.IO.TextWriter, bool)

Executes the handler for the specified virtual path in the context of the current request. A System.IO.TextWriter captures output from the executed handler and a Boolean parameter specifies whether to clear the HttpRequest.QueryString and HttpRequest.Form collections.

GetLastError() : Exception

Returns the previous exception.

HtmlDecode(string) : string

Decodes an HTML-encoded string and returns the decoded string.

HtmlDecode(string, System.IO.TextWriter)

Decodes an HTML-encoded string and sends the resulting output to a System.IO.TextWriter output stream.

HtmlEncode(string) : string

HTML-encodes a string and returns the encoded string.

HtmlEncode(string, System.IO.TextWriter)

HTML-encodes a string and sends the resulting output to a System.IO.TextWriter output stream.

MapPath(string) : string

Returns the physical file path that corresponds to the specified virtual path on the Web server.


For the current request, terminates execution of the current page and starts execution of a new page by using the specified URL path of the page.

Transfer(string, bool)

Terminates execution of the current page and starts execution of a new page by using the specified URL path of the page. Specifies whether to clear the HttpRequest.QueryString and HttpRequest.Form collections.

Transfer(IHttpHandler, bool)

Terminates execution of the current page and starts execution of a new request by using a custom HTTP handler that implements the System.Web.IHttpHandler interface and specifies whether to clear the HttpRequest.QueryString and HttpRequest.Form collections.

UrlDecode(string) : string

URL-decodes a string and returns the decoded string.

UrlDecode(string, System.IO.TextWriter)

Decodes an HTML string received in a URL and sends the resulting output to a System.IO.TextWriter output stream.

UrlEncode(string) : string

URL-encodes a string and returns the encoded string.

UrlEncode(string, System.IO.TextWriter)

URL-encodes a string and sends the resulting output to a System.IO.TextWriter output stream.

UrlPathEncode(string) : string

Do not use; intended only for browser compatibility. Use HttpServerUtility.UrlEncode(string).

UrlTokenDecode(string) : byte[]

Decodes a URL string token to its equivalent byte array using base 64 digits.

UrlTokenEncode(byte[]) : string

Encodes a byte array into its equivalent string representation using base 64 digits, which is usable for transmission on the URL.