Android.Hardware.Camera2.CaptureRequest.ControlVideoStabilizationMode Property


public static CaptureRequest.Key ControlVideoStabilizationMode { get; }

See Also



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Whether video stabilization is active.

Video stabilization automatically translates and scales images from the camera in order to stabilize motion between consecutive frames.

If enabled, video stabilization can modify the CaptureRequest.ScalerCropRegion to keep the video stream stabilized.

Switching between different video stabilization modes may take several frames to initialize, the camera device will report the current mode in capture result metadata. For example, When "ON" mode is requested, the video stabilization modes in the first several capture results may still be "OFF", and it will become "ON" when the initialization is done.

If a camera device supports both this mode and OIS (CaptureRequest.LensOpticalStabilizationMode), turning both modes on may produce undesirable interaction, so it is recommended not to enable both at the same time.

Possible values:

This key is available on all devices.

[Android Documentation]


Namespace: Android.Hardware.Camera2
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions: