UIKit.UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes Members

The members of UIKit.UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes are listed below.

See Also: Inherited members from Foundation.NSObject

Public Constructors

Default constructor, initializes a new instance of this class.

Protected Constructors

Constructor to call on derived classes to skip initialization and merely allocate the object.
A constructor used when creating managed representations of unmanaged objects; Called by the runtime.

Public Properties

Alphanfloat. The transparency to be applied.
BoundsCoreGraphics.CGRect. The RectangleF describing the bounds of the item.
CenterCoreGraphics.CGPoint. The center of the item.
ClassHandleIntPtr. The handle for this class.
FrameCoreGraphics.CGRect. The RectangleF frame for the UICollectionView
Hiddenbool. Whether the UICollectionView is hidden or not.
IndexPathFoundation.NSIndexPath. The index path of the item in the UICollectionView.
RepresentedElementCategoryUICollectionElementCategory. Used to identify the specific purpose of a supplementary or decoration view. Read-only.
RepresentedElementKindstring. Used to identify the specific purpose of a supplementary or decoration view. Read-only.
SizeCoreGraphics.CGSize. The SizeF of the item.
TransformCoreGraphics.CGAffineTransform. The affine transform of the item.
Transform3DCoreAnimation.CATransform3D. The 3D transform of the item. (If not null, Frame will be set to null.)
ZIndexnint. The Z-Index of the item. (Higher values appear in front of lower values.)

Public Methods

Copy(Foundation.NSZone) : Foundation.NSObject
Performs a copy of the underlying Objective-C object.
CreateForCell(Foundation.NSIndexPath) : UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes
Creates a UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes for the cell at the specified index.|Creates a UICollectionViewLayon
CreateForCell<T>(Foundation.NSIndexPath) : T
Creates a layout attributes object of the specified type for the cell at the specified index path.
CreateForDecorationView(Foundation.NSString, Foundation.NSIndexPath) : UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes
Creates a layout attributes object representing the decoration view.
CreateForDecorationView<T>(Foundation.NSString, Foundation.NSIndexPath) : T
Creates a layout attributes object of a specific type representing the decoration view.
CreateForSupplementaryView(Foundation.NSString, Foundation.NSIndexPath) : UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes
Creates a layout attributes object representing the supplementary view.
CreateForSupplementaryView(UICollectionElementKindSection, Foundation.NSIndexPath) : UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes
Creates a layout attributes object representing the supplementary view.
CreateForSupplementaryView<T>(Foundation.NSString, Foundation.NSIndexPath) : T
Creates a layout attributes object of a specific type representing the supplementary view.
CreateForSupplementaryView<T>(UICollectionElementKindSection, Foundation.NSIndexPath) : T
Creates a layout attributes object representing the supplementary view.

Protected Methods

Releases the resources used by the UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes object.