The members of Android.App.SearchManager are listed below.
See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Object
A constructor used when creating managed representations of JNI objects; called by the runtime. |
const | ActionKey | string. Intent extra data key: Use this key with Intent. |
const | ActionMsg | string. Intent extra data key: Use this key with Intent. |
const | AppData | string. Intent extra data key: Use this key with Intent. |
const | CursorExtraKeyInProgress | string. Boolean extra data key for a suggestion provider to return in Android.Database.ICursor.Extras to indicate that the search is not complete yet. |
const | ExtraDataKey | string. Intent extra data key: This key will be used for the extra populated by the SearchManager.SuggestColumnIntentExtraData column. |
const | ExtraNewSearch | string. Boolean extra data key for Android.Content.Intent.ActionWebSearch intents. |
const | ExtraSelectQuery | string. Boolean extra data key for SearchManager.IntentActionGlobalSearch intents. |
const | ExtraWebSearchPendingintent | string. Extra data key for Android.Content.Intent.ActionWebSearch. |
const | FlagQueryRefinement | int (1). Flag to specify that the entry can be used for query refinement, i.e., the query text in the search field can be replaced with the text in this entry, when a query refinement icon is clicked. |
const | IntentActionGlobalSearch | string. Intent action for starting the global search activity. |
const | IntentActionSearchablesChanged | string. Intent action broadcasted to inform that the searchables list or default have changed. |
const | IntentActionSearchSettings | string. Intent action for starting the global search settings activity. |
const | IntentActionSearchSettingsChanged | string. Intent action broadcasted to inform that the search settings have changed in some way. |
const | IntentActionWebSearchSettings | string. Intent action for starting a web search provider's settings activity. |
const | IntentGlobalSearchActivityChanged | string. Intent action to be broadcast to inform that the global search provider has changed. |
const | MenuKey | char. This is a shortcut definition for the default menu key to use for invoking search. |
const | MenuKeycode | int (47). This is a shortcut definition for the default menu key to use for invoking search. |
const | Query | string. Intent extra data key: Use this key with Android.Content.Intent.GetStringExtra(string) to obtain the query string from Intent. |
const | ShortcutMimeType | string. MIME type for shortcut validation. |
const | SuggestColumnAudioChannelConfig | string. Column name for suggestions cursor. |
const | SuggestColumnContentType | string. Column name for suggestions cursor. |
const | SuggestColumnDuration | string. Column name for suggestions cursor. |
const | SuggestColumnFlags | string. Column name for suggestions cursor. |
const | SuggestColumnFormat | string. Column name for suggestions cursor. |
const | SuggestColumnIcon1 | string. Column name for suggestions cursor. |
const | SuggestColumnIcon2 | string. Column name for suggestions cursor. |
const | SuggestColumnIntentAction | string. Column name for suggestions cursor. |
const | SuggestColumnIntentData | string. Column name for suggestions cursor. |
const | SuggestColumnIntentDataId | string. Column name for suggestions cursor. |
const | SuggestColumnIntentExtraData | string. Column name for suggestions cursor. |
const | SuggestColumnIsLive | string. Column name for suggestions cursor. |
const | SuggestColumnLastAccessHint | string. Column name for suggestions cursor. |
const | SuggestColumnProductionYear | string. Column name for suggestions cursor. |
const | SuggestColumnPurchasePrice | string. Column name for suggestions cursor. |
const | SuggestColumnQuery | string. Column name for suggestions cursor. |
const | SuggestColumnRatingScore | string. Column name for suggestions cursor. |
const | SuggestColumnRatingStyle | string. Column name for suggestions cursor. |
const | SuggestColumnRentalPrice | string. Column name for suggestions cursor. |
const | SuggestColumnResultCardImage | string. Column name for suggestions cursor. |
const | SuggestColumnShortcutId | string. Column name for suggestions cursor. |
const | SuggestColumnSpinnerWhileRefreshing | string. Column name for suggestions cursor. |
const | SuggestColumnText1 | string. Column name for suggestions cursor. |
const | SuggestColumnText2 | string. Column name for suggestions cursor. |
const | SuggestColumnText2Url | string. Column name for suggestions cursor. |
const | SuggestColumnVideoHeight | string. Column name for suggestions cursor. |
const | SuggestColumnVideoWidth | string. Column name for suggestions cursor. |
const | SuggestMimeType | string. MIME type for suggestions data. |
const | SuggestNeverMakeShortcut | string. Column value for suggestion column SearchManager.SuggestColumnShortcutId when a suggestion should not be stored as a shortcut in global search. |
const | SuggestParameterLimit | string. Query parameter added to suggestion queries to limit the number of suggestions returned. |
const | SuggestUriPathQuery | string. Uri path for queried suggestions data. |
const | SuggestUriPathShortcut | string. Uri path for shortcut validation. |
const | UserQuery | string. Intent extra data key: Use this key with Android.Content.Intent.GetStringExtra(string) to obtain the query string typed in by the user. |
[read-only] | GlobalSearchActivity | Android.Content.ComponentName. Gets the name of the global search activity. |
[read-only] | SearchablesInGlobalSearch | IList<SearchableInfo>. Returns a list of the searchable activities that can be included in global search. |
[read-only] override | ThresholdClass | IntPtr. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
[read-only] override | ThresholdType | Type. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
static | FromContext(Android.Content.Context)Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. | |
GetSearchableInfo(Android.Content.ComponentName)Gets information about a searchable activity. | ||
OnCancel(Android.Content.IDialogInterface)This method will be invoked when the dialog is canceled. | ||
OnDismiss(Android.Content.IDialogInterface)This method will be invoked when the dialog is dismissed. | ||
SetOnCancelListener(SearchManager.IOnCancelListener)Set or clear the callback that will be invoked whenever the search UI is canceled. | ||
SetOnDismissListener(SearchManager.IOnDismissListener)Set or clear the callback that will be invoked whenever the search UI is dismissed. | ||
StartSearch(string, bool, Android.Content.ComponentName, Android.OS.Bundle, bool)Launch search UI. | ||
StopSearch()Terminate search UI. | ||
TriggerSearch(string, Android.Content.ComponentName, Android.OS.Bundle)Similar to SearchManager.StartSearch(string, System.Boolean, System.Boolean, System.Boolean, System.Boolean) but actually fires off the search query after invoking the search dialog. |