Value: 4
This flag requests that the system gets into touch exploration mode. In this mode a single finger moving on the screen behaves as a mouse pointer hovering over the user interface. The system will also detect certain gestures performed on the touch screen and notify this service. The system will enable touch exploration mode if there is at least one accessibility service that has this flag set. Hence, clearing this flag does not guarantee that the device will not be in touch exploration mode since there may be another enabled service that requested it.
For accessibility services targeting API version higher than NoType:android/os/Build$VERSION_CODES;Href=../../../reference/android/os/Build.VERSION_CODES.html#JELLY_BEAN_MR1 that want to set this flag have to declare this capability in their meta-data by setting the attribute NoType:android/R$attr;Href=../../../reference/android/R.attr.html#canRequestTouchExplorationMode to true, otherwise this flag will be ignored. For how to declare the meta-data of a service refer to AccessibilityService.ServiceMetaData.
Services targeting API version equal to or lower than NoType:android/os/Build$VERSION_CODES;Href=../../../reference/android/os/Build.VERSION_CODES.html#JELLY_BEAN_MR1 will work normally, i.e. the first time they are run, if this flag is specified, a dialog is shown to the user to confirm enabling explore by touch.