static | Assert(bool)
Checks for a condition; if the condition is false, follows the escalation policy set for the analyzer.
static | Assert(bool, string)
Checks for a condition; if the condition is false, follows the escalation policy set by the analyzer and displays the specified message.
static | Assume(bool)
Instructs code analysis tools to assume that the specified condition is true, even if it cannot be statically proven to always be true.
static | Assume(bool, string)
Instructs code analysis tools to assume that a condition is true, even if it cannot be statically proven to always be true, and displays a message if the assumption fails.
static | EndContractBlock()
Marks the end of the contract section when a method's contracts contain only preconditions in the if-then-throw form.
static | Ensures(bool)
Specifies a postcondition contract for the enclosing method or property.
static | Ensures(bool, string)
Specifies a postcondition contract for a provided exit condition and a message to display if the condition is false.
static | EnsuresOnThrow<TException>(bool)
Specifies a postcondition contract for the enclosing method or property, based on the provided exception and condition.
static | EnsuresOnThrow<TException>(bool, string)
Specifies a postcondition contract and a message to display if the condition is false for the enclosing method or property, based on the provided exception and condition.
static | Exists(int, int, Predicate<int>) : bool
Determines whether a specified test is true for any integer within a range of integers.
static | Exists<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Predicate<T>) : bool
Determines whether an element within a collection of elements exists within a function.
static | ForAll(int, int, Predicate<int>) : bool
Determines whether a particular condition is valid for all integers in a specified range.
static | ForAll<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Predicate<T>) : bool
Determines whether all the elements in a collection exist within a function.
static | Invariant(bool)
Specifies an invariant contract for the enclosing method or property.
static | Invariant(bool, string)
Specifies an invariant contract for the enclosing method or property, and displays a message if the condition for the contract fails.
static | OldValue<T>(T) : TUsed within a postcondition to represent an initial value. |
static | Requires(bool)
Specifies a precondition contract for the enclosing method or property.
static | Requires(bool, string)
Specifies a precondition contract for the enclosing method or property, and displays a message if the condition for the contract fails.
static | Requires<TException>(bool)
Specifies a precondition contract for the enclosing method or property, and throws an exception if the condition for the contract fails.
static | Requires<TException>(bool)Specifies a precondition contract for when an exception is thrown. |
static | Requires<TException>(bool)Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
static | Requires<TException>(bool)Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
static | Requires<TException>(bool, string)
Specifies a precondition contract for the enclosing method or property, and throws an exception with the provided message if the condition for the contract fails.
static | Requires<TException>(bool, string)Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
static | Requires<TException>(bool, string)Specifies a precondition contract for when an exception is thrown. |
static | Requires<TException>(bool, string)Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
static | Result<T>() : T
Represents the return value of a method or property.
static | ValueAtReturn<T>(out T) : TUsed within a postcondition to represent the final value of an out parameter. |