System.Windows.Forms.HtmlDocument.All Property

Gets an instance of System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElementCollection, which stores all System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement objects for the document.


public HtmlElementCollection All { get; }


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The HtmlDocument.All collection provides random access to any element in the HTML document, regardless of its position in the document tree. Use it to access any element in an HTML document by name, ID, or index. You may also iterate over all of the elements within a document.

Some elements, such as HEAD and TITLE, will never have names associated with them. All other elements will have names only if the author of the HTML file assigned them. You can access elements without names by ID or index.

You cannot add elements directly to the HtmlDocument.All collection, because all elements in an HTML file outside of the HTML tag must have a parent element. Use the HtmlElement.AppendChild(HtmlElement) method or the HtmlElement.InnerHtml property on System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement to add new elements to the tree.


Namespace: System.Windows.Forms
Assembly: System.Windows.Forms (in System.Windows.Forms.dll)
Assembly Versions: