System.UriParser Class

Parses a new URI scheme. This is an abstract class.

See Also: UriParser Members


public abstract class UriParser


The UriParser class enables you to create parsers for new URI schemes. You can write these parsers in their entirety, or the parsers can be derived from well-known schemes (HTTP, FTP, and other schemes based on network protocols). If you want to create a completely new parser, inherit from GenericUriParser. If you want to create a parser that extends a well-known URI scheme, inherit from FtpStyleUriParser, HttpStyleUriParser, FileStyleUriParser, GopherStyleUriParser, or LdapStyleUriParser.

Microsoft strongly recommends that you use a parser shipped with the .NET Framework. Building your own parser increases the complexity of your application, and will not perform as well as the shipped parsers.


Namespace: System
Assembly: System (in System.dll)
Assembly Versions:,
Since: .NET 2.0