Android.Speech.RecognizerIntent.ExtraSupportedLanguages Field
The key to the extra in the Android.OS.Bundle returned by RecognizerIntent.ActionGetLanguageDetails which is an Android.Runtime.JavaList of Java.Lang.Strings that represents the languages supported by this implementation of voice recognition - a list of strings like "en-US", "cmn-Hans-CN", etc.


public const string ExtraSupportedLanguages


The key to the extra in the Android.OS.Bundle returned by RecognizerIntent.ActionGetLanguageDetails which is an Android.Runtime.JavaList of Java.Lang.Strings that represents the languages supported by this implementation of voice recognition - a list of strings like "en-US", "cmn-Hans-CN", etc.

[Android Documentation]


Namespace: Android.Speech
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions:
Since: Added in API level 8