Java.Security.Cert.CertStore: Method Members

The methods of Java.Security.Cert.CertStore are listed below. For a list of all members, see the CertStore Members list.

See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Object

Public Methods

GetCertificates(ICertSelector) : ICollection<Certificate>
Returns the list of Certificates for the specified CertSelector from this certificate store.
GetCRLs(ICRLSelector) : ICollection<CRL>
Returns the list of CRLs for the specified CRLSelector from this certificate store.
GetInstance(string, ICertStoreParameters) : CertStore
Creates a new CertStore instance with the specified type and initialized with the specified parameters.
GetInstance(string, ICertStoreParameters, Java.Security.Provider) : CertStore
Creates a new CertStore instance from the specified provider with the specified type and initialized with the specified parameters.
GetInstance(string, ICertStoreParameters, string) : CertStore
Creates a new CertStore instance from the specified provider with the specified type and initialized with the specified parameters.