See Also: MeteringRectangle Members
An immutable class to represent a rectangle (x, y, width, height) with an additional weight component.
The rectangle is defined to be inclusive of the specified coordinates.
When used with a Android.Hardware.Camera2.CaptureRequest, the coordinate system is based on the active pixel array, with (0,0) being the top-left pixel in the Android.Hardware.Camera2.CameraCharacteristics.SensorInfoActiveArraySize, and ( - 1, - 1) being the bottom-right pixel in the active pixel array.
The weight must range from MeteringRectangle.MeteringWeightMin to MeteringRectangle.MeteringWeightMax inclusively, and represents a weight for every pixel in the area. This means that a large metering area with the same weight as a smaller area will have more effect in the metering result. Metering areas can partially overlap and the camera device will add the weights in the overlap rectangle.
If all rectangles have 0 weight, then no specific metering area needs to be used by the camera device. If the metering rectangle is outside the used android.scaler.cropRegion returned in capture result metadata, the camera device will ignore the sections outside the rectangle and output the used sections in the result metadata.