Android.Bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter: Method Members

The methods of Android.Bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter are listed below. For a list of all members, see the BluetoothAdapter Members list.

See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Object

Public Methods

CancelDiscovery() : bool
Cancel the current device discovery process.
CheckBluetoothAddress(string) : bool
Validate a String Bluetooth address, such as "00:43:A8:23:10:F0"
CloseProfileProxy(ProfileType, IBluetoothProfile)
Close the connection of the profile proxy to the Service.
Disable() : bool
Turn off the local Bluetooth adapter—do not use without explicit user action to turn off Bluetooth.
Enable() : bool
Turn on the local Bluetooth adapter—do not use without explicit user action to turn on Bluetooth.
GetProfileConnectionState(ProfileType) : ProfileState
Get the current connection state of a profile.
GetProfileProxy(Android.Content.Context, IBluetoothProfileServiceListener, ProfileType) : bool
Get the profile proxy object associated with the profile.
GetRemoteDevice(byte[]) : BluetoothDevice
Get a Android.Bluetooth.BluetoothDevice object for the given Bluetooth hardware address.
GetRemoteDevice(string) : BluetoothDevice
Get a Android.Bluetooth.BluetoothDevice object for the given Bluetooth hardware address.
ListenUsingInsecureRfcommWithServiceRecord(string, Java.Util.UUID) : BluetoothServerSocket
Create a listening, insecure RFCOMM Bluetooth socket with Service Record.
ListenUsingRfcommWithServiceRecord(string, Java.Util.UUID) : BluetoothServerSocket
Create a listening, secure RFCOMM Bluetooth socket with Service Record.
SetName(string) : bool
Set the friendly Bluetooth name of the local Bluetooth adapter.
StartDiscovery() : bool
Start the remote device discovery process.
StartLeScan(BluetoothAdapter.ILeScanCallback) : bool
Starts a scan for Bluetooth LE devices.
StartLeScan(Java.Util.UUID[], BluetoothAdapter.ILeScanCallback) : bool
Starts a scan for Bluetooth LE devices, looking for devices that advertise given services.
Stops an ongoing Bluetooth LE device scan.