System.Web.UI.ExpressionBinding Members

The members of System.Web.UI.ExpressionBinding are listed below.

See Also: Inherited members from System.Object

Public Constructors

Initializes a new instance of the System.Web.UI.ExpressionBinding class.

Public Properties


Gets or sets a value of the expression in its declarative syntax.


Gets or sets a value for the prefix of an expression in its declarative syntax.


Gets a value indicating whether the expression was implicitly generated by the parser.


Gets a value indicating the name of the property of the object to which the expression is applied.


Gets a value indicating the Type of the property of the object to which the expression is applied.

Public Methods

Equals(object) : bool

Determines whether the specified object is the same instance as the current System.Web.UI.ExpressionBinding object.

GetHashCode() : int

Serves as a hash function for the current System.Web.UI.ExpressionBinding object; suitable for hashing algorithms and data structures, such as a hash table.