Android.App.Notification Members

The members of Android.App.Notification are listed below.

See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Object

Public Constructors

Constructs a Notification object with default values.
Unflatten the notification from a parcel.
Constructs a Notification object with the information needed to have a status bar icon without the standard expanded view.
Constructs a Notification object with the information needed to have a status bar icon without the standard expanded view.
Constructs a Notification object with the information needed to have a status bar icon without the standard expanded view.
Constructs a Notification object with the information needed to have a status bar icon without the standard expanded view.

Protected Constructors

A constructor used when creating managed representations of JNI objects; called by the runtime.

Public Fields

CategoryAlarmstring. Notification category: alarm or timer.
CategoryCallstring. Notification category: incoming call (voice or video) or similar synchronous communication request.
CategoryEmailstring. Notification category: asynchronous bulk message (email).
CategoryErrorstring. Notification category: error in background operation or authentication status.
CategoryEventstring. Notification category: calendar event.
CategoryMessagestring. Notification category: incoming direct message (SMS, instant message, etc.
CategoryProgressstring. Notification category: progress of a long-running background operation.
CategoryPromostring. Notification category: promotion or advertisement.
CategoryRecommendationstring. Notification category: a specific, timely recommendation for a single thing.
CategoryServicestring. Notification category: indication of running background service.
CategorySocialstring. Notification category: social network or sharing update.
CategoryStatusstring. Notification category: ongoing information about device or contextual status.
CategorySystemstring. Notification category: system or device status update.
CategoryTransportstring. Notification category: media transport control for playback.
ColorDefaultint (0). Special value of Notification.Color telling the system not to decorate this notification with any special color but instead use default colors when presenting this notification.
ExtraBackgroundImageUristring. Notification.Extras key: A Android.Content.ContentUris pointing to an image that can be displayed in the background when the notification is selected.
ExtraBigTextstring. Notification.Extras key: this is the longer text shown in the big form of a Android.App.Notification.BigTextStyle notification, as supplied to Android.App.Notification.BigTextStyle.BigText(Java.Lang.ICharSequence).
ExtraCompactActionsstring. Notification.Extras key: the indices of actions to be shown in the compact view, as supplied to (e.g.) Android.App.Notification.MediaStyle.SetShowActionsInCompactView(Int32[]).
ExtraInfoTextstring. Notification.Extras key: this is a small piece of additional text as supplied to Android.App.Notification.Builder.SetContentInfo(Java.Lang.ICharSequence).
ExtraLargeIconstring. Notification.Extras key: this is a bitmap to be used instead of the small icon when showing the notification payload, as supplied to Android.App.Notification.Builder.SetLargeIcon(Android.Graphics.Bitmap).
ExtraLargeIconBigstring. Notification.Extras key: this is a bitmap to be used instead of the one from Android.App.Notification.Builder.SetLargeIcon(Android.Graphics.Bitmap) when the notification is shown in its expanded form, as supplied to Android.App.Notification.BigPictureStyle.BigLargeIcon(Android.Graphics.Bitmap).
ExtraMediaSessionstring. Notification.Extras key: A Android.Media.Session.MediaSession.Token associated with a Android.App.Notification.MediaStyle notification.
ExtraPeoplestring. Notification.Extras key: A String array containing the people that this notification relates to, each of which was supplied to Android.App.Notification.Builder.AddPerson(string).
ExtraPicturestring. Notification.Extras key: this is a bitmap to be shown in Android.App.Notification.BigPictureStyle expanded notifications, supplied to Android.App.Notification.BigPictureStyle.BigPicture(Android.Graphics.Bitmap).
ExtraProgressstring. Notification.Extras key: this is the progress value supplied to Android.App.Notification.Builder.SetProgress(int, int, bool).
ExtraProgressIndeterminatestring. Notification.Extras key: whether the progress bar is indeterminate, supplied to Android.App.Notification.Builder.SetProgress(int, int, bool).
ExtraProgressMaxstring. Notification.Extras key: this is the maximum value supplied to Android.App.Notification.Builder.SetProgress(int, int, bool).
ExtraShowChronometerstring. Notification.Extras key: whether Notification.When should be shown as a count-up timer (specifically a Android.Widget.Chronometer) instead of a timestamp, as supplied to Android.App.Notification.Builder.SetUsesChronometer(bool).
ExtraShowWhenstring. Notification.Extras key: whether Notification.When should be shown, as supplied to Android.App.Notification.Builder.SetShowWhen(bool).
ExtraSmallIconstring. Notification.Extras key: this is the resource ID of the notification's main small icon, as supplied to Android.App.Notification.Builder.SetSmallIcon(int).
ExtraSubTextstring. Notification.Extras key: this is a third line of text, as supplied to Android.App.Notification.Builder.SetSubText(Java.Lang.ICharSequence).
ExtraSummaryTextstring. Notification.Extras key: this is a line of summary information intended to be shown alongside expanded notifications.
ExtraTemplatestring. Notification.Extras key: A string representing the name of the specific Android.App.Notification.Style used to create this notification.
ExtraTextstring. Notification.Extras key: this is the main text payload, as supplied to Android.App.Notification.Builder.SetContentText(Java.Lang.ICharSequence).
ExtraTextLinesstring. Notification.Extras key: an array of CharSequences to show in Android.App.Notification.InboxStyle expanded notifications, each of which was supplied to Android.App.Notification.InboxStyle.AddLine(Java.Lang.ICharSequence).
ExtraTitlestring. Notification.Extras key: this is the title of the notification, as supplied to Android.App.Notification.Builder.SetContentTitle(Java.Lang.ICharSequence).
ExtraTitleBigstring. Notification.Extras key: this is the title of the notification when shown in expanded form, e.g. as supplied to Android.App.Notification.BigTextStyle.SetBigContentTitle(Java.Lang.ICharSequence).
IntentCategoryNotificationPreferencesstring. An activity that provides a user interface for adjusting notification preferences for its containing application.
PriorityDefaultNotificationPriority (0). Default notification Notification.Priority.
PriorityHighNotificationPriority (1). Higher Notification.Priority, for more important notifications or alerts.
PriorityLowNotificationPriority (-1). Lower Notification.Priority, for items that are less important.
PriorityMaxNotificationPriority (2). Highest Notification.Priority. For your application's most important notifications, such as notifications that require the user's prompt attention or input.
PriorityMinNotificationPriority (-2). Lowest Notification.Priority. These notifications might not be shown to the user except under special circumstances, such as displaying detailed notification logs.

Public Properties

ActionsIList<Notification.Action>. Array of all Android.App.Notification.Action structures attached to this notification by Android.App.Notification.Builder.AddAction(int, Java.Lang.ICharSequence, PendingIntent).
AudioAttributesAndroid.Media.AudioAttributes. The Android.Media.AudioAttributes to use when playing the sound.
AudioAttributesDefaultAndroid.Media.AudioAttributes. The default value of Notification.AudioAttributes.
AudioStreamTypeAndroid.Media.Stream. The audio stream type to use when playing the sound.
BigContentViewAndroid.Widget.RemoteViews. A large-format version of Notification.ContentView, giving the Notification an opportunity to show more detail.
Categorystring. One of the predefined notification categories (see the Category* fields) that best describes this Notification.
ColorAndroid.Graphics.Color. Accent color (an ARGB integer like the constants in Android.Graphics.Color) to be applied by the standard Style templates when presenting this notification.
ContentIntentPendingIntent. The intent to execute when the expanded status entry is clicked.
ContentViewAndroid.Widget.RemoteViews. The view that will represent this notification in the expanded status bar.
CreatorAndroid.OS.IParcelableCreator. Parcelable.Creator that instantiates Notification objects.
DefaultsNotificationDefaults. Specifies which values should be taken from the defaults.
DeleteIntentPendingIntent. The intent to execute when the notification is explicitly dismissed by the user, either with the "Clear All" button or by swiping it away individually.
ExtrasAndroid.OS.Bundle. Additional semantic data to be carried around with this Notification.
FlagsNotificationFlags. Gets and sets flags that control how the notification is to be presented.
FullScreenIntentPendingIntent. An intent to launch instead of posting the notification to the status bar.
Groupstring. Get the key used to group this notification into a cluster or stack with other notifications on devices which support such rendering.
HeadsUpContentViewAndroid.Widget.RemoteViews. A medium-format version of Notification.ContentView, providing the Notification an opportunity to add action buttons to contentView.
Iconint. The resource id of a drawable to use as the icon in the status bar.
IconLevelint. If the icon in the status bar is to have more than one level, you can set this.
LargeIconAndroid.Graphics.Bitmap. The bitmap that may escape the bounds of the panel and bar.
LedARGBint. The color of the LED.
LedOffMSint. The number of milliseconds for the LED to be off while it's flashing.
LedOnMSint. The number of milliseconds for the LED to be on while it's flashing.
Numberint. The number of events that this notification represents.
Priorityint. Relative priority for this notification.
PublicVersionNotification. Replacement version of this notification whose content will be shown in an insecure context, such as above a secure lockscreen.
SortKeystring. Gets a sort key that orders this notification among other notifications from the same package.
SoundAndroid.Net.Uri. The sound to play.
TickerTextJava.Lang.ICharSequence. Text that summarizes this notification for accessibility services.
TickerViewAndroid.Widget.RemoteViews. A view showing the Notification.TickerText.
Vibratelong[]. The pattern to use when vibrating the device.
VisibilityNotificationVisibility. Sphere of visibility for this notification, which affects how and when the system UI reveals the notification's presence and contents in untrusted situations (namely, on the secure lockscreen).
Whenlong. A timestamp related to this notification, in milliseconds since the epoch.

Protected Properties

ThresholdClassIntPtr. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
ThresholdTypeType. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

Public Methods

Clone() : Notification
Creates and returns a copy of this Object.
DescribeContents() : int
Describe the kinds of special objects contained in this Parcelable's marshalled representation.
SetLatestEventInfo(Android.Content.Context, Java.Lang.ICharSequence, Java.Lang.ICharSequence, PendingIntent)
Sets the Notification.ContentView field to be a view with the standard "Latest Event" layout.
SetLatestEventInfo(Android.Content.Context, string, string, PendingIntent)
Sets the Notification.ContentView property to be a view with the standard "Latest Event" layout. Uses the Notification.Icon and Notification.When fields to set the icon and time fields in the view.
WriteToParcel(Android.OS.Parcel, Android.OS.ParcelableWriteFlags)
Flatten this notification from a parcel.