MonoMac.OpenGL.Half Structure
The name Half is derived from half-precision floating-point number. It occupies only 16 bits, which are split into 1 Sign bit, 5 Exponent bits and 10 Mantissa bits.

See Also: Half Members


public struct Half : IComparable<Half>, IEquatable<Half>, IFormattable, System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable


Quote from ARB_half_float_pixel specification: Any representable 16-bit floating-point value is legal as input to a GL command that accepts 16-bit floating-point data. The result of providing a value that is not a floating-point number (such as infinity or NaN) to such a command is unspecified, but must not lead to GL interruption or termination. Providing a denormalized number or negative zero to GL must yield predictable results.


Namespace: MonoMac.OpenGL
Assembly: XamMac (in XamMac.dll)
Assembly Versions: