Android.Content.Intent.FillIn Method
Copy the contents of other in to this object, but only where fields are not defined by this object.


[Android.Runtime.Register("fillIn", "(Landroid/content/Intent;I)I", "GetFillIn_Landroid_content_Intent_IHandler")]
public virtual FillInFlags FillIn (Intent other, [Android.Runtime.GeneratedEnum] FillInFlags flags)


Another Intent whose values are to be used to fill in the current one.
Options to control which fields can be filled in.


Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.


Copy the contents of other in to this object, but only where fields are not defined by this object. For purposes of a field being defined, the following pieces of data in the Intent are considered to be separate fields:

In addition, you can use the Intent.FILL_IN_ACTION, Intent.FILL_IN_DATA, Intent.FILL_IN_CATEGORIES, Intent.FILL_IN_PACKAGE, Intent.FILL_IN_COMPONENT, Intent.FILL_IN_SOURCE_BOUNDS, Intent.FILL_IN_SELECTOR, and Intent.FILL_IN_CLIP_DATA to override the restriction where the corresponding field will not be replaced if it is already set.

Note: The component field will only be copied if Intent.FILL_IN_COMPONENT is explicitly specified. The selector will only be copied if Intent.FILL_IN_SELECTOR is explicitly specified.

For example, consider Intent A with {data="foo", categories="bar"} and Intent B with {action="gotit", data-type="some/thing", categories="one","two"}.

Calling A.fillIn(B, Intent.FILL_IN_DATA) will result in A now containing: {action="gotit", data-type="some/thing", categories="bar"}.

[Android Documentation]


Namespace: Android.Content
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions:
Since: Added in API level 1