Android.OS.Storage.ObbError Enumeration
Enumerates values returned by several types.


public enum ObbError


Enumerates value returned by the following: .


Member NameDescription
AlreadyMountedThe OBB has already been mounted. Returned in status messages from calls made via Android.OS.Storage.StorageManager
CouldNotMountThe OBB could not be mounted by the system. Returned in status messages from calls made via Android.OS.Storage.StorageManager
CouldNotUnmountThe OBB could not be unmounted. This most likely indicates that a file is in use on the OBB. Returned in status messages from calls made via Android.OS.Storage.StorageManager
InternalThere was an internal system error encountered while trying to mount the OBB. Returned in status messages from calls made via Android.OS.Storage.StorageManager
NotMountedA call was made to unmount the OBB when it was not mounted. Returned in status messages from calls made via Android.OS.Storage.StorageManager
PermissionDeniedThe current application does not have permission to use this OBB. This could be because the OBB indicates it's owned by a different package or some other error. Returned in status messages from calls made via Android.OS.Storage.StorageManager


Namespace: Android.OS.Storage
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions: