System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaCollection Members

The members of System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaCollection are listed below.

See Also: Inherited members from System.Object

Public Constructors

Initializes a new instance of the XmlSchemaCollection class.

Initializes a new instance of the XmlSchemaCollection class with the specified System.Xml.XmlNameTable. The XmlNameTable is used when loading schemas.

Public Properties


Gets the number of namespaces defined in this collection.

default property
Item(string)XmlSchema. Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.

Gets the default XmlNameTable used by the XmlSchemaCollection when loading new schemas.

Public Methods

Add(XmlSchema) : XmlSchema

Adds the System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema to the collection.


Adds all the namespaces defined in the given collection (including their associated schemas) to this collection.

Add(string, string) : XmlSchema

Adds the schema located by the given URL into the schema collection.

Add(string, System.Xml.XmlReader) : XmlSchema

Adds the schema contained in the System.Xml.XmlReader to the schema collection.

Add(XmlSchema, System.Xml.XmlResolver) : XmlSchema

Adds the System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema to the collection. The specified System.Xml.XmlResolver is used to resolve any external references.

Add(string, System.Xml.XmlReader, System.Xml.XmlResolver) : XmlSchema

Adds the schema contained in the System.Xml.XmlReader to the schema collection. The specified System.Xml.XmlResolver is used to resolve any external resources.

Contains(string) : bool

Gets a value indicating whether a schema with the specified namespace is in the collection.

Contains(XmlSchema) : bool

Gets a value indicating whether the targetNamespace of the specified System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema is in the collection.

CopyTo(XmlSchema[], int)

Copies all the XmlSchema objects from this collection into the given array starting at the given index.

GetEnumerator() : XmlSchemaCollectionEnumerator

Provides support for the "for each" style iteration over the collection of schemas.

Public Events


Sets an event handler for receiving information about the XDR and XML schema validation errors.

Explicitly Implemented Interface Members