UIKit.UIPasteboard Members

The members of UIKit.UIPasteboard are listed below.

See Also: Inherited members from Foundation.NSObject

Protected Constructors

Constructor to call on derived classes to skip initialization and merely allocate the object.
A constructor used when creating managed representations of unmanaged objects; Called by the runtime.

Public Properties

ChangeCountnint. The number of times this UIPasteBoard's contents have changed. Read-only.
ChangedNotificationFoundation.NSString. Notification constant for Changed
ChangedTypesAddedKeyFoundation.NSString. Represents the value associated with the constant UIPasteboardChangedTypesAddedKey
ChangedTypesRemovedKeyFoundation.NSString. Represents the value associated with the constant UIPasteboardChangedTypesRemovedKey
ClassHandleIntPtr. The handle for this class.
ColorUIColor. The color of the first pasteboard item.
ColorsUIColor[]. The colors used by all pasteboard items.
Countnint. The number of items on this UIPasteBoard. Read-only.
GeneralUIPasteboard. The general pasteboard, used for copy-paste operations.
ImageUIImage. Retrieves or sets the image of the first pasteboard item.
ImagesUIImage[]. The images of all the pasteboard items.
ItemsFoundation.NSDictionary[]. The pasteboard items on this UIPasteBoard.
Namestring. The name of this UIPasteBoard. Read-only.
Persistentbool. Whether this UIPasteBoard is persistent.
RemovedNotificationFoundation.NSString. Notification constant for Removed
Stringstring. The string value of the first pasteboard item.
Stringsstring[]. The string values of all the pasteboard items.
TypeListColorFoundation.NSArray. Represents the value associated with the constant UIPasteboardTypeListColor
TypeListImageFoundation.NSArray. Represents the value associated with the constant UIPasteboardTypeListImage
TypeListStringFoundation.NSArray. Represents the value associated with the constant UIPasteboardTypeListString
TypeListURLFoundation.NSArray. Represents the value associated with the constant UIPasteboardTypeListURL
Typesstring[]. The representations types of the first item on the pasteboard.
UrlFoundation.NSUrl. The URL of the first pasteboard item.
UrlsFoundation.NSUrl[]. The URLs of all the pasteboard items.

Public Methods

Appends items to the content of this UIPasteBoard.
Contains(string[]) : bool
Whether this UIPasteBoard holds data of the specified type.
Contains(string[], Foundation.NSIndexSet) : bool
Whether the pasteboard elements specified by itemSet contain data of the specified pasteboardTypes.
DataForPasteboardType(string) : Foundation.NSData
The data on this UIPasteBoard for the specified representation type.
FromName(string, bool) : UIPasteboard
Returns the UIPasteBoard for the specified name, optionally creating one if it doesn't exist.
GetDataForPasteboardType(string, Foundation.NSIndexSet) : Foundation.NSData[]
The data objects in the specified pasteboard items that have the specified representation type.
GetUnique() : UIPasteboard
The application pasteboard identified by the unique system-generated name.
GetValue(string) : Foundation.NSObject
Retrieves data of the specified type.
GetValuesForPasteboardType(string, Foundation.NSIndexSet) : Foundation.NSData[]
Returns the objects on this UIPasteBoard that have the specified representation type.
ItemSetWithPasteboardTypes(string[]) : Foundation.NSIndexSet
A set whose values are the indices of those pasteboard items that have the specified representation type.
PasteBoardTypesForSet(Foundation.NSIndexSet) : Foundation.NSArray[]
The representation types for all the items in the specified set.
Removes the specified application pasteboard.
SetData(Foundation.NSData, string)
Sets the data for the specified representation type in this UIPasteBoard.
SetValue(Foundation.NSObject, string)
Sets the value for the specified representation type in this UIPasteBoard.

Protected Methods

Releases the resources used by the UIPasteboard object.