Android.Media.Image.Format Property
Get the format for this image.


[get: Android.Runtime.Register("getFormat", "()I", "GetGetFormatHandler")]
public abstract Android.Graphics.ImageFormatType Format { get; }

See Also



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Get the format for this image. This format determines the number of ByteBuffers needed to represent the image, and the general layout of the pixel data in each in ByteBuffer.
FormatPlane countLayout details
Android.Graphics.ImageFormat.Jpeg1Compressed data, so row and pixel strides are 0. To uncompress, use Android.Graphics.BitmapFactory.DecodeByteArray(Byte[], System.Int32, System.Int32).
Android.Graphics.ImageFormat.Yuv4208883A luminance plane followed by the Cb and Cr chroma planes. The chroma planes have half the width and height of the luminance plane (4:2:0 subsampling). Each pixel sample in each plane has 8 bits. Each plane has its own row stride and pixel stride.
Android.Graphics.ImageFormat.RawSensor1A single plane of raw sensor image data, with 16 bits per color sample. The details of the layout need to be queried from the source of the raw sensor data, such as Android.Hardware.Camera2.CameraDevice.

The format is one of the values from Android.Graphics.ImageFormat. The mapping between the formats and the planes is as follows:

[Android Documentation]


Namespace: Android.Media
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions: