Java.Security.Cert.X509CertSelector: Method Members

The methods of Java.Security.Cert.X509CertSelector are listed below. For a list of all members, see the X509CertSelector Members list.

See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Object

Public Methods

AddPathToName(int, byte[])
Adds a "pathToName" to the respective criterion.
AddPathToName(int, string)
Adds a "pathToName" to the respective criterion.
AddSubjectAlternativeName(int, byte[])
Adds a subject alternative name to the respective criterion.
AddSubjectAlternativeName(int, string)
Adds a subject alternative name to the respective criterion.
Clone() : Java.Lang.Object
Clones this X509CertSelector instance.
GetAuthorityKeyIdentifier() : byte[]
Returns the criterion for the AuthorityKeyIdentifier extension.
GetIssuerAsBytes() : byte[]
Returns the issuer that a certificate must match.
GetKeyUsage() : bool[]
Returns the criterion for the KeyUsage extension.
GetNameConstraints() : byte[]
Returns the criterion for the name constraints.
GetSubjectAsBytes() : byte[]
Returns the subject that a certificate must match.
GetSubjectKeyIdentifier() : byte[]
Returns the criterion for the SubjectKeyIdentifier extension.
Match(Certificate) : bool
Returns whether the specified certificate matches all the criteria collected in this instance.
Sets the criterion for the AuthorityKeyIdentifier extension.
Sets the issuer that a certificate must match.
Do not use, use X509CertSelector.Issuer or X509CertSelector.GetIssuerAsBytes instead.
Sets the criterion for the KeyUsage extension.
Sets the criterion for the name constraints.
Sets the subject that a certificate must match.
Do not use, use X509CertSelector.SetSubject(Byte[]) or X509CertSelector.Subject instead.
Sets the criterion for the SubjectKeyIdentifier extension.
Sets the criterion for the subject public key.