The cloned node.
This method serves as a copy constructor for nodes. The duplicate node has no parent (XmlNode.ParentNode returns null).
The following table describes the specific behavior for each System.Xml.XmlNodeType.
Attribute |
Clones the attribute node, including child nodes. |
Clones the attribute node, including child nodes. |
CData |
Clones the CData node, including its data content. |
Clones the CData node, including its data content. |
Comment |
Clones the comment node, including its text content. |
Clones the comment node, including its text content. |
Document |
Clones the document node, including any child nodes. |
Clones the document node. |
DocumentFragment |
Clones the document fragment node, including any child nodes. |
Clones the document fragment node. |
DocumentType |
Clones the document type node. |
Clones the document type node. |
Element |
Clones the element node, its attributes, and any child nodes. |
Clones the element node and its attributes, including any default attributes. |
Entity |
Entity nodes cannot be cloned. |
Entity nodes cannot be cloned. |
EntityReference |
Clones the entity reference node. The replacement text is not included. |
Clones the entity reference node. The replacement text is not included. |
Notation |
Notation nodes cannot be cloned. |
Notation nodes cannot be cloned. |
ProcessingInstruction |
Clones the processing instruction node, including its target and data. |
Clones the processing instruction node, including its target and data. |
SignificantWhitespace |
Clones the significant white space node, including its data value. |
Clones the significant white space node, including its data value. |
Text |
Clones the text node, including its data value. |
Clones the text node, including its data value. |
Whitespace |
Clones the white space node, including its data value. |
Clones the white space node, including its data value. |
XmlDeclaration |
Clones the XmlDeclaration node, including its data value. |
Clones the XmlDeclaration node, including its data value. |
All other node types. |
These node types cannot be cloned. |
These node types cannot be cloned. |