System.Resources.ResXDataNode.Comment Property

Gets or sets an arbitrary comment regarding this resource.


public string Comment { set; get; }


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If a comment has not been assigned to the resource item, the value of the ResXDataNode.Comment property is string.Empty.

You access the ResXDataNode.Comment property of an data node in an existing XML resource file by instantiating a System.Resources.ResXResourceReader object, setting the ResXResourceReader.UseResXDataNodes property to true, and calling the ResXResourceReader.GetEnumerator method to retrieve an IDictionaryEnumerator object that you use to enumerate the items in the XML resource file. The IDictionaryEnumerator.Value property returns the System.Resources.ResXDataNode object.


Namespace: System.Resources
Assembly: System.Windows.Forms (in System.Windows.Forms.dll)
Assembly Versions: